I am always puzzled by the contradictory morality of Jehovah's Witnesses. If
a person is formally disfellowshipped or disassociated in a congregation, that
person is usually castigated and shunned by all other members. However, if
a member commits a seriously moral breach but moves or "fades out" family
members and friends feel perfectly safe to associate in spite of the cimcumstances.
It's as if "getting caught" is worse than commiting the sin. I know of some families
that are almost relieved that a member of their family escaped before the elders
took action. No attempt is made by them to report the impropriety to the
body of elders in the area where that person lives. I personally don't approve
of the disfellowshipping procedure as practiced in the Watchtower Society or the
cruel shunning practices of Jehovah's Witnesses. But it does make one wonder how
sincere they are in the moral principles they claim to follow?