thank you

by nimue 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • nimue

    This is my first post. I have been a lurker on the jehovahs-witness forum for several weeks now. I am not now, nor have I ever been a JW. However, like many others on the site, I have a friend who is. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your threads on helping people to leave the organization. I particularly like Mindchild's recent series on that topic. Please keep these going... you are providing guidance to those of us who would like to help.

    I began to research the organization when I learned of my friend's association. Like most people who have had little association with JWs beyond the occasional visit (non existent in my current neigborhood), I had no idea how the organization worked or the extent of the pain it has caused. I don't know if my friend actually wants to leave, but he seems to be thinking about it. I would like to be able to assist in a kind way and to use techniques that help, rather than scare. I am reading the books recommended here on leaving the organization and on mind control. However, your experiences are valuable. The post about the number of people who are using this site to gain understanding and get educated is right on, I think.

    I may not post often, since I'm still trying to make sense of all of this, but rest assured, you are helping.


  • Frenchy

    Welcome to the board. Good luck with your friend

  • Xena

    Welcome Nimue!

    I am sure Mindchild appreciates your encouraging words..he is a wonderful writer, isn't he? There are a lot of great people on here and I hope you can get the help you need for your friend!

    Looking forward to hearing more about you and from you!

  • Joyzabel

    Welcome to the board Nimue.

    Please be patient with your friend. I think its wonderful that you are trying to help your fiend to begin with. Mind control is a hard thing to battle against especially if one wants to be a true believer.


  • nimue

    I appreciate the welcome. And I will be patient with my friend. He's sometimes quite open and has a wonderful generousity of spirit. Other times, he withdraws and hides his emotions. He is guarded about our friendship with his family and some other friends. But privately, he tells me he values our closeness.
    For a long time, these actions puzzled me, but I think I'm beginning to understand.
    I'm assuming these are indications that he may have doubts, but he's not (yet?) willing to share that. Since we were friends for a while before he even told me about his association, it seems to me that he sees something in having "worldly" friends. Am I on track?
    p.s. and yes, Mindchild is a wonderful writer. There are many on this board.

  • Frenchy

    Perhaps he is having doubts but then there are many witnesses that have these doubts and rather than cause them to stand off and evaluate their situation, it becomes a stimulus for them to 'draw closer' to the organization and 'wait on Jehovah' to clear everything up for them.

    You are involved in a complex situation. There is no simple formula. It will take presistence, patience, understanding, some long-suffering and then there is no guarantee in the end. Make sure it's worth the effort.

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