WT Study Version Feb 2011 - Double Standard?

by Simon Morley 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    Did anyone find the illustration on Page 26 odd? I surmised for a moment that perhaps the "brother" in the illustration was an elder and he prayed about an employment issue - we all know what he will do. Yet, would that same elder make the same pryerful decision when it came to selling a kingdom hall to say the same church and say no?

    I find this wholly riduculous that on one hand a person has to provide for his family, may have limited income, and yet God would be very unhappy if he painted the church but on the other hand he smiles when some BOE rips off a church by selling them an overpriced, shoddily built outhouse?

    I also wondered if the whole employment issue was back on the burners again. I recall that there was a distinction between if you were or were not in control of what contracts you took on. if you go out and secure a painting cantract for a church, that is different to being an employee where is is part of your employment contract?

  • VM44

    It is NOT OK for a JW painter to paint a church in exchange for payment.

    But, it is OK for for the JWs to sell their Kingdom Hall (for a price) to another religious group and have it become a church!

    What Bible principles are being applied here?

  • wobble

    Is "do as I say, but not as I do" not a Bible principle ?

    or does that make the Elders, heaven forfend, Pharisees ?

  • skeeter1

    Every cult makes its Rank & File give up opportunity and self-sacrifice for the "group" or group ideal. But, the leaders never have to self-sacrifice for the group ideal.

  • WTWizard

    I have even seen one Kingdumb Hell I used to attend get sold to a church. Yet, if I were to sell or donate anything to that church, they would claim I am supporting Babylon the Great. They don't even like people donating or buying anything to or from the Salvation Army.

  • MrMonroe

    I recall having a conversation with a devout Catholic years ago who was angry about Witness patients seeking non-blood surgical treatment in the Cabrini Hospital, Melbourne, which is run by the Catholic Church. His point: Witnesses won't go into a Catholic Church because it would offend God, but they have no qualms about getting treatment in a Catholic hospital when it suits them. Fair point.

    On another point, I bet those dudes posing for the photo in the WT felt a frisson of excitement as they carried their props all over the church. "Ooh, aren't we naughty!" What church was stupid enough to let them do the photo shoot?

  • miseryloveselders

    On another point, I bet those dudes posing for the photo in the WT felt a frisson of excitement as they carried their props all over the church. "Ooh, aren't we naughty!" What church was stupid enough to let them do the photo shoot?

    I haven't seen this study article yet or the picture. Is it possible to find out what church this is, and send them a copy of the article with this picture? Anybody willing to play Dick Tracy or Jessica Fletcher?

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Mr. Monroe, I suspect in this instance you confused "stupidity" with tolerance -- a word JWs don't seem to comprehend.

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