Walking away scot-free from the WTO.

by Marie B. Paraison 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marie B. Paraison
    Marie B. Paraison

    As a freelance writer would I not get disfellowshiped if I remained in the Jehovah’s Witness organization? Apostasy and disfellowship are both fear-inspiring words that impede good sense and pro-activity. In my instance, I walked away scot- free from this organization. The details of a judicial case are ever so concealed, in the case of many others, a judgement of apostasy and or disfellowship when unmasked, you probably would discover that it was the fortune of the person who refused to be dumb down any longer.

    Another factor that discourages the "eye of the tiger" and causes fear is this question: what would my life be like outside of this organization? The average Jehovah’s Witness has invested many long years inside of this organization and doesn’t know what to expect outside of this community. Naturally, Jehovah’s Witnesses are apprehensive. I had the same unanswered questions when I walked away from a twenty year commitment to the Watchtower organization. However, I had enough knowledge to understand that fear is the devil in disguise. It is an enemy and it shows up in many ways. Please remember the countless number of times Jehovah/Yah told the nation of Israel not to fear. Both in the old and new testaments the urge to be cautious of fear in without number. A few are mentioned below. With God are all acquisitions! He will guide and sustain whether it should be you or someone else right on to the calling he has for the individual you.

    "Jehovah is on my side; I shall not fear" ( Psalms 118:6).

    "However, the object of their fear do not you fear, neither become agitated" ( 1 Peter 3: 14 ).

    "But Jesus, overhearing the word being spoken, said to the presiding officer of the synagogue: Have no fear, only exercise faith"( Mark 5:36).

    Godspeed brothers and sisters,

    Marie B. Paraison

    Also see: Permanent Students of the Watchtower Beware! Along with many previous posts. Type :Marie Paraison, at the search bar.

  • The_Present_Truth

    F.E.A.R. = False Evidence Appearing Real

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