I'm excited people! This week I will be absent from my first assembly ever! I can't wait to sleep in and not sit out in the cold helping people park. I can't wait to not be bored to tears. Last assembly I took my MP3 player, pretended like I was using the record feature, and listened to music instead. I can't wait to watch football on Sunday. Heck, I may even do a little drinking on Saturday and Sunday. I can't wait.
I'm excited!
by MrFreeze 6 Replies latest jw experiences
Your want to watch football match ? You should spend any free minute now to learn about 2011 AD .
http://www.focusonthebible2011.com and spice it with visting http://www.familyradio.com
and examine what Harold Camping is teaching about May,21,2011 AD ?
You can record his Open Forum program and listen on the go .
Right now I have an audio cassette running with his Open Forum .
Just tune today to Open Forum .8.30-10 PM EST USA ( time zone ) find location of a station for you from the given website.
Harold Camping is my best opponent and also to Jehovah's Witnesses right now . Yet I will be waiting eagerly and in suspension for May,21,2011 .
not bitter
It was on our way home from a district assembly that I told my mum I wanted out. What a relief that was.
Even after 17 years I still wake up on a Sat and Sun happy that I don't have to go the meeting or ministry. Its the best thing ever.
Enjoy yourself. Stay in your pyjamas and have a beer!