not sure why. I DA about a month ago and was relieved at first. Today for some reason it hit me. It's over! Wondering if my brother will ever talk to me again. wondering if he will even find out i DA myself... just a bit lost... I know it will subside it comes and goes. Havent been to the KH in over 2 years so yes I have put in my "healing" time... thanks for this site I know I would have needed to go to a shrink without you all. Peace! Oh my real name is Raveen - not Raven the bird. Hippy parents gave me that 'special" name
having a bad day
by Found Sheep 4 Replies latest jw friends
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Today I feel crappy, so my mood is crappy. I think I'll go take some pain-killers and count how few days are left in this semester.
Found Sheep
school good for you.. i'm taking some home classes but not so motivated these days... you should be done soon. cheers!
You will be on an emotional roller coaster for a few months, but it will get better. Focus on the future and try your best to not allow the opinions of those trapped in WT to influence your decisions. IF they knew what you knew, they'd leave today.
So they called you Raveen and brought you up in a cult? Plenty of successful actors and actresses have unusual names. Makes you memorable. I'd maybe have words about the cult thing though.