What does it say about an organization that claims to be God's organization when....

by stuckinamovement 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinamovement

    You are told that what sets your organization apart from all other religions is that there is no human leader, just Jesus, but if you want to follow Jesus and receive salvation you must obey and follow the leadership and direction of 8 self appointed human leaders.

    It's Elders or Servants cannot resign a position of responsibility for personal reasons, or without an interrogation by other elders and then permission by headquarters.

    Despite the bible saying at 1 Tim. 2:5,6 that Jesus is mediator for all men... It doesn't apply to you.

    If you are an elder you can get a blank check to commit serious wrongdoing ...if you hide it for 4 or more years. Others who are not elders do not receive this courtesy. If you are not an elder you may be disfellowshipped and lose your family and friends.

    Questions to the Governing body/ channel of God are not permitted. If questioned the questioner will be marked or punished by disfellowshipping.

    Teachings claimed to be inspired by God change regularly. Each time it changes, Holy Spirit is credited. If you continue to believe something other than what is the new "understanding” you can be disfellowshipped.

    There is a secret manual that gives the Elders instructions and policies that the publishers aren't permitted to know about.

    Headquarters is aware of accused/convicted child molesters, but refuses to inform the congregations that the accused/convicted are in.

    Child molesters are required to go door to door in their neighborhoods.

    Direction claimed received from God, each time without a doubt, that the end of all things is going to come in 1914, 1925, 1975, “Before the end of the 20 th century.”........and it not once happens.

    If your child goes to college or a trade school, you cannot continue to serve as a ministerial servant or elder.

    Can you add to this list?

  • miseryloveselders

    Good thread!! Very good questions to ask a believing JW.

  • OnTheWayOut
    ...but if you want to follow Jesus and receive salvation you must obey and follow the leadership and direction of 8 self appointed human leaders.

    They word it carefully. "We have no leader but Christ." Then somewhere else, they say to follow the example of "those taking the lead." They even act as if the GB are just humble instruments, carrying a burden.

    It's Elders or Servants cannot resign a position of responsibility for personal reasons, or without an interrogation by other elders and then permission by headquarters.

    So true. I resigned and they said they had to "submit my request to Headquarters." I told them to do whatever they wanted to do, but I was done being an elder the moment I turned in my resignation. It took them about 7 weeks to "approve" what I did.

    If you are an elder you can get a blank check to commit serious wrongdoing ...if you hide it for 4 or more years. Others who are not elders do not receive this courtesy. If you are not an elder you may be disfellowshipped and lose your family and friends.

    That disturbed me to no end and I included it as a double-standard in my resignation as an elder.

    Direction claimed received from God, each time without a doubt, that the end of all things is going to come in 1914, 1925, 1975, “Before the end of the 20 th century.”........and it not once happens.

    ...and it continues the same. The overlap generation is "new light from Jehovah."


    but if you want to follow Jesus and receive salvation you must obey and follow the leadership and direction of 8 self appointed human leaders.....SIAM

    The "AntiChrist" WatchTower Bible and Tract Society..


    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • GrandmaJones

    It screams cult.

  • DagothUr

    the last one is innacurate. I know elders who have baptized children currently studying at university.

  • stuckinamovement


    There is new direction to the BOE's at KM school. If an appointed man has a kid in a university his qualifications must be reviewed using 10 very specific questions that elders were required to write down verbatim. The direction was given that it is "likely" he would not qualify anymore.

    It is accurate.


  • BluesBrother

    If you are an elder you can get a blank check to commit serious wrongdoing ...if you hide it for 4 or more years

    That statement is a tad loose in description but certainly not untrue, provided the man is claiming repentence and not d/f'd

    New Elders handbook 2010 pg 38

    19." If it comes to light or an appointed

    brother confesses that he has committed a disfellowshipping

    offense years in the past: The

    body of elders may determine he can continue to

    serve if the following is true: The immorality or other

    serious wrongdoing occurred more than a few years

    ago, and he is genuinely repentant, recognizing that

    he should have come forward immediately when he

    sinned. (Perhaps he has even confessed to his sin,

    seeking help with his guilty conscience.) He has been

    serving faithfully for many years, has evidence of

    God's blessing, and has the respect of the congregation"


    This link is to a thread started by Flipper that discussed it


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    There is a secret manual that gives the Elders instructions and policies that the publishers aren't permitted to know about.

    When you criticize them you have to make no mistakes. They only need one mistake (=lie) to question your motives and disregard everything else you say. Don't even get the grammar wrong.

    It is not a secret that the Elders have a manual. It is only the contents that the R&F are not privy to.

    You had better cross off that bit about MS/Elders not having kids in college too. It might be frowned on, but its not banned.


    It is a secret book. You don't hear elders talking about that book to anyone. Yes they are not supposed to talk about its contents, but they will not even discuss its existence. Next time your at meeting or out in service, talk about that book and see what kind of reaction you get.

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