My first post. Something that has annoyed me for years. I'm sure the official borg teaching is Jeh. does not do personal miracles, but certainly will work things out for the organization. Nevertheless, constantly from the platform we hear how Jeh. got this bro. a job, or save a person from some tragedy, or gave someone some financial windfall when they were down to their last penny so they could attend a convention, or worked it out for some sister to get some wore out Plymouth so she could continue pioneering,---and on and on and on. We had a bethelite brother pray one time for "Jeh. to guide the hands of the surgeon" when the unbaptized husband of one of our sisters was going in for surgery. Would Jeh. have to use a surgeon or could he just do it himself? So ridiculous. I was going to counsel that brother but there was to big of a crowd around him complimenting him on his beautiful prayer and I just wanted to go home. We had someone suffer a annurism and survive. Everyone was saying that Jeh. did not want her to die yet. Meanwhile, she can't see straight, walk, and is barely able to talk. Years ago a dear sister at about 35 years old had a heart attack during the public talk and died right there in the hall. Jeh. didn't care about her? I could go on, but enough said.
by pontoon 5 Replies latest jw friends
Amelia Ashton
I felt the same way about answered/unanswered prayers. Now I believe in coincidences! Why couldnt jehovah get us Brits our literature in spain but the Spanish and Germans got theirs. If public talks are soooo important why did we quite often not have one. Our KM were for the UK so a lot was completely irrelevant for working territory in a foreign country. We should have had the Spanish one in English surely. I could go on and on about the stuff the man in the sky didn't bother about in Spain!
Everytime something works out its not because Jeh. worked it out. Things work out for "worldly" people too. Borg teaches time and unseen circumstances, but only apply it to unfavorable outcomes. In the case of ---say a successful surgery, I like to give credit to skilled Drs. and medical staff.
Welcome Pontoon!
yeah, I'm sure plenty of JWs prayed furiously for all the poor souls in the concentration camps during WWII, but mighty Jah said no deal. When I was in, that used to irritate me how brothers prayed for stuff, then attributed the good stuff to jehovah. Such a load of nonsense.
Welcome Pontoon, I hadn't seen this post. Glad to have you!
You are so right. I hear all the time from the "friends" about how Jehovah did this or that (some really stupid things, like helping them to choose their new car). It would make me angry, the "I woke up and said, Oh Jehovah, let the order not be put in year, I think the other shade of blue is better!" Yeah, he was worried about the color of your new car, but he let my sister's daughter die. Right.
It's disrespectful to others who suffered real tragedies. As if somehow we weren't as dear to Jehovah. It's arrogant.
It's not just JW's that attribute all good things to Jehovah. Most Christians that I have come across attribute
every good thing, every blessing to God.