It's been over four years since my youngest brother committed suicide.
Afterwards, my siblings and I all lived in different states and had lives to get on with.
We all dealt with Danny's loss apart from each other in our own ways.
We lost close touch with each other, but over the last few weeks, we have been
reconnecting, my brother finally contacting my sister after over a year of no contact.
Dealing with the death of Danny was something we all felt we needed to do alone.
Oddly enough, last night I got an email from Danny's girlfriend, a beautiful girl I met at his funeral.
She was saying Hello and wishing us a good holiday season.
She must have picked up on what my brother, sister and I were feeling this week, IDK.
But, she is still going through her own process.
She sent me a song that I wanted to
share, and (((((((hugs)))))) to all those who have lost a loved one to suicide.
Grieving through this kind of death seems to have different kinds of steps than a
natural death. I was able to go along for quite some time telling myself this was just
my brothers decision to end his life. I've read and researched allot about suicide deaths,
this being the second in my family. There has been several helpful supportive threads at this board,
where others have shared their thoughts and feelings on dealing with a suicide death.
Maybe sharing this song will help another today,