Hi gang,
For anyone interested in joining me at the Six Screens of the Watchtower conference call this evening (Sat) at 7pm EST USA then please feel free. I'm told the call is free. I'll be talking about my experiences as an JW and a little about my book. It should be fun! Here are the details:
Speak live with or listen to Gordon D. Smith former JW author of the newly released book The End is Nigh...Again! ( But this time we really mean it.) Join us in the call on Six Screens of The Watchtower telephone conference talk show at 7 pm EST tomorrow night (Saturday),just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin number use 9925#.
See you there,
Gordon: )
Six Screens of the Watchtower Conference call THIS EVENING with Author of new book.
by TheEndIsNigh 8 Replies latest jw friends
The call is free, only your normal long distant charges apply. Many plans give you free weekends. For international calls it is less expensive to use phone cards.
Gordon ... all the best to you, I hope you are well, I hope your endeavors are successful
.... however, when I look at your contributions to this site, I see one thing, every post you have made is all about promoting your book.
Up to this point, you have not taken part in anything else here.
Mad Sweeney
I concur with wannabefree, Gordon. Please share in the boards; we would all love to hear your perspectives on things. Many of us are far more likely to buy your book if we actually knew you (even virtually via the JWN messageboard).