I am amazed at the events surrounding Wikileaks. It is amusing too, to see an old plot device in fiction now brought to bear on national governments - 'kill me and information will be released automatically'.
This is not to say I approve of everything Julian Assange has done - but I think it is possible it could have a profound GOOD effect on world peace ( believe it or not!). I think Afghanistan is hopeless - as is most of the Middle East and the sooner exposed, the better. I think it may encourage Iran to talk seriously about negotiation. I think it may help bring Evil Banks down.
but more than all this
It shows what ONE MAN ( or woman!) can do to bring down the arrogant and powerful. Never doubt that you, yes you, could bring the Watchtower to its knees - broken, drained and defeated. What a wonderful thing it would be to know that you helped bring down this sick, family destroying cult!
What One Man Can Do!