The Judge was Right about ONE thing! One teaching, and one teaching only can we be sure that the Watch Tower Society was correct about. It is straight from the Judge himself, Joseph F. Rutherford. If we were to accept and believe "anything" the Judge ever said, it is this: Religion is a Racket and a Snare." The Judge proved it! - He helped build one of the biggest religious rackets in US history! Yesterday, when posting the List of WTS Corps, it became obvious to me what a deal they have going - Big Business Religion all rolled into one tidy, but not so little package. Yes, one WTS teaching has proven to be correct. Once in a while, even the Devil deserves his due!
ONE WTS Teaching Proven TRUE!
by Amazing 3 Replies latest jw friends
Only ONE thing the judge said that was right?
Come on now! What about millions now living will never die?
He said it in 1925 so it's still possible. -
I remember one particular statement in COC, where Ray Franz was talking about small groups getting together to study the Bible. They get good ideas and they attract others and form a religion. Then, the term he used really struck me, with "depressing regularity" their religion turns into the very thing they had rejected.
Ivor Hope
Hey Gumby, he actually said it in 1920 with the meaning that the new system was to start in 1925 with the resurrecion of the faithful men of old!
That is what makes the decision to build Beth Sarim in 1929 for those self same "worthies of old" (who had still not appeared) so obvious that the only beneficiary of Beth Sarim was to be Judge Ritherford!