It is well known "Kiwi Shepard's" are some of the best at handling/sorting/counting [we wont mention breeding] sheep and the GB could do with your help. You see they are loosing sheep, they have wolfs in sheep clothing, they have sheep in wolfs clothing, disobedient sheep, rebellious sheep, questioning sheep, uncooperative sheep, black sheep, grey sheep, swinging sheep, thinking of going sheep, halfway gone sheep, sheep, goooooooooone sheep! As you can see the problem requires much expertise, so name your own price, plenty of money in the kitty!
Oh any Bethel lurkers, hope the old buggers aren't stressing to much and losing to much sleep, but wait, if they are then please please! offer them this advice, with our love, tell them to "count sheep". It works so well for us. In case you don't know this is how they shoud do it. 1sheep....MISSING 3....5sheep.....MISSING2...8sheep... I think you get it. FF