Did the crocs get him? Has he moved to the great tao? Have any ozzies got news?
by Satanus 3 Replies latest jw friends
Did the crocs get him? Has he moved to the great tao? Have any ozzies got news?
Well it is a public holiday long weekend here. So, maybe hes out in the bush by the Murray river with a VB in one hand and a fishing rod in the other.
I was wondering the same thing... I miss his dry humor!
Maybe he found a better board to hang his hat?... I hope not!
When you get to know dear old unc, you'll understand that he's not able to be here all the time. Right now, he's gone "bush" where there ain't no new-fangled modern communications.
Don't fret, wallaby jack'll make sure unc gets back before too long!
"It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."