If I, as a non-witness, tried to tell my friends and family about what I have learned on this site and elsewhere about the Watchtower, some would listen for a while, but the vast majority of them, if not all, would have trouble understanding why I should become and remain interested in such a subject at all. Many would tell me that everyone knows witnesses are crazy anyways, and that I surely could use my time on more productive endeavors.
It's very sad, but many people would tell me that witnesses are witnesses because they want to. That they are happy as such or they would have left the religion long ago. People would tell me that the fact that many witnesses have left is proof that anyone can leave anytime, if they really want to.
If I told a friend that a life devoted to the Watchtower is a wasted life, some, particularly the know-it-alls, would bring back examples of lives that were lost in similar ways during the Middle Ages, and would find some pseudostudy on how cults do provide some "services" to their members. Some would get philosophical and claim that "such is life". Women lived like that in the Middle Ages. Catholics were not better a while ago. Et cetera.
Some others would say that I should not mind other people's business and therefore should not worry about anybody else's religion.
Which is a sad thing, because it illustrates to what extent the world ignores what happens in the Watchtower, and the kind of obstacles that some former Witnesses might find when speaking out. Most people in the outside wouldn't spend much time posting on a site like this. It makes it all the more difficult for former witnesses to make others sufficiently aware of what happens to the point that the Watchtower would need to give in to the pressure.
I trust the day will come when people like me won't be such a minuscule minority. I want to think that many of us would make a difference, instead of feeling so powerless because I alone can't do anything.