What makes the GB different? or MADE?!

by ElijahTheThird 0 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ElijahTheThird

    That there is no explination given by the GB is rather odd in and of it's self I would say.

    All I can offer is my own understanding of HOW, and what I have learned in 30 years of having "insight". This hasn't been easy as the GB has made it so. For many decades it has been that if the Anointed ones were known to be meeting they were kicked out! But by meeting we discovered that when insight about something came to one it was given to all others at the same time. BECAUSE we talked with each other we learned this. We know that these insights can come from the words of another, in a dream, into your mind as a thought or along with emotions to enhance the insight. It is because we can now talk using the WWW and discuss these insights and VERIFY them along with researching scripture to make sure that we can release these insights confidently to any and all.

    This has been the way of it for the past 2000 years. It is no wonder that many of the "insights" that were wrote in to the GB were never published. Many of the known "truths" that have been given over the centuries through ALL the religions is still not collected together and understood fully. But the greatest of those that received these "insights of truth" were the Anointed of the JW's THAT WERE ACTUALLY RECOGNIZED! Also, they were quite aparently SOLD OUT! AGAIN!

    There are TESTS as to WHO is and has the Anointing. They are outlined in the bible and are easy to see. Yet the JW's GB have not DONE what the bible teaches about this!
    Those with the Calling should partake as often as they gather! NOT once a year! Ones that are "unworthy" are MADE SICK! YOU can easily recognize those that are and those that are IMPOSTERS! BUT only if you partake "as often as you gather"!
    Those with this Anointing as it is called by the JW's are to GATHER together! WHY? So that they can discuss and exchange these insights to verify and ratify them! It is also another way of IDENTIFYING them! Yet as stated before if they attempt to gather and talk amongst themselves they are DF'd

    IF! If these are the end times, last days, then read what it says that there WOULD BE many amongst the people with INSIGHT and WISDOM! NOT getting fewer! Deception by MISDIRECTION!

    How many of you have felt in your hearts a "tug or pull" to seek out your destiny? How many of you have felt the need to respond to a "calling", or to a "gathering"?!? How many still have wine skins that can take "new wine", the rest of the story that you haven't heard! The insight of the gathering uncensored.
    P.S. Sorry for the long discourse, not realy my style.

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