JW's are more obsessed with sex than most people

by jambon1 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    Always found this bizarre.

    They have printed boundless amounts of information about this matter. They discuss sex and it's details in front of infants & young children (surely a criminal offense, no?), they gossip about who has been doing it with who when someone has fallen into the trap of the 'sins of the flesh.'

    But above all of that, the outstanding evidence that JW's are absolutely obsessed with sex is when you realise that the world over, for many many years, three middle aged men have been holding 'comittees' with young women, asking all sorts of inappropriate questions about her sex life. And the congregation members think that this is ok!

    What is more wrong/sinful?

    • A young woman/man having sex
    • Three middle aged men asking her the details about it
  • sd-7

    You know, the weird thing is, in my judicial committee, the elders didn't ask about the sexual details. I probably would've been far less civil with them if they had. For their sakes, they chose wisely. Perhaps they only do that for single women? Wonder if there's a specific rule on that.

    As a kid, I didn't understand the first thing about sex except that it was the Bogeyman to be feared, avoided, and despised until you were married. That and it involved some kind of people-laying-on-top-of-each-other stuff. So it didn't really matter that it was discussed in front of me. After I got out, I was far more obsessed with it. When I was in, I was obsessed with avoiding it. I don't know. Is that so bad for a teenager to be terrified about sex to the point that he avoids it? Perhaps so. Might've made different choices last year if I had been a normal teenager. Ah, well.

    People in the 'world' do talk about sex, but it's probably in a vastly different way. There's no need to be obsessed with it if there's no stigma attached, after all. They're not worried it'll become an 'idol' for them or etc., etc. Perhaps it's the Hustler motto (not that I would know)? "Relax, it's just sex."


  • mrsjones5

    People in the 'world' do talk about sex, but it's probably in a vastly different way.

    I was in the Goodwill yesterday and I saw a book on the Christian view of sex and would ya know it the book talks about oral sex as a normal part of a married Christian's sexlife.

  • bigmac

    ive been totally out of that mad religion for 30+ years, yet i'm delighted to say:

    i'm still obsessed with sex,

    cant get enough of it

    if god invented anything better---he kept it for himself!!

  • Vidiot
  • mamalove

    Yup, I think this is true. I once said to someone going on and on about something sex related "this is not about vagina's and penises, so let's stop talking about that and cut to the matter at hand."

  • DanaBug

    I was a single sister. The elders on my jc didn't ask me any details. I stated what I had done, as in I had sex, I had been drinking and smoking regularly, and had smoked pot; and no, I'm not repentant. That was it. Oh, and they read us some scriptures and told us how we could get reinstated. I think it depends on the elders and who was involved, there weren't any other witnesses involved with what I had done, except my sister and they had one jc for both of us.

    I don't doubt it does happen though. That's what happens when you have arbitrary petty laws you have to follow.

  • WTWizard

    They are obsessed with preventing people from getting it. They are so afraid of fornication that they make so many stupid rules about conducting oneself with the opposite sex, and these extra rules are often impractical to obey.

    What they are blind about is that a significant number of people are gay or bisexual. They go to great lengths to make sure everything is same sex, yet that does no good if one or both of the involved parties are gay or bisexual. Notice how often two people of the same sex are paired off--the late Pio-Sneer Assist program, the reading program they started in 1977 (to help illiterate people become witlesses), and often in missionary work. You get two people, same sex, committed to each other, for a prolonged period of time. This also goes on at Beth Hell. Never do they allow opposite sex pairs, because they are afraid of the Big "F".

    Now, what happens if one or both of these parties is gay? Suppose you get a person at Beth Hell, that is battling homosexuality and seemingly has won, but is really in a "stalemate" with the condition. He goes to Beth Hell, and his roommate is also a non-practicing homosexual. This situation would be about as likely to result in fornication as putting two straight people of the opposite sex together. Yet, they never do anything to address this issue. Most of their efforts are wasted on "straight" fornication--gay fornication is just as likely these days, and more so if they suppress opposite sex experiences.

    Worse by far, is the hypocrisy of many witlesses on this issue. They blab about how wicked it is for 2 consenting adults, either gay or straight, to have sex with each other (unless married). Then, all too many of them will do a hounding call with a child, get alone with this child, molest them sexually, and then threaten with disfellowshipping for "slander" if this child (or children) tells anyone. Two consenting adults having sex--to be prevented at all costs. A hounder manipulating a child into sex and then threatening this child with disfellowshipping--acceptable.

    Perhaps if they would loosen up about the opposite sex and accept that a certain percentage of people are gay or bisexual for whatever reason, they would find less of a problem with sex. The religion would be that much less oppressive, and there would be that much fewer of adults channeling their sex drive toward children. And adopting zero tolerance for adults that coerce or manipulate children into sex and then threatening with dire consequences, particularly if the adult is doing it because (s)he gets kicks out of ruining the lives of those children.

  • mentallyfree31


    My former presiding overseer (about 8 years ago) once told me that one elder on a judicial committee was asking the person the following:

    "What position were you in while you were doing it?"

    "Did you enjoy it?"

    This PO said that he interrupted the elder and told him that those details really aren't necessary, and shifted the meeting to whether or not the person regretted what they had done.


  • stapler99

    Absolutely. I was terrified to even speak with attractive women and felt it was sinful. I would view a lot of joking about romantic relationships among JW's as hypocritical and sinful.

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