How many registered sex offenders in territory

by just n from bethel 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    I just had a thought. Is there any provision for service overseers/territory servants to keep the territories updated with registered sex offenders? I'm not talking about JWs that are registered and attending - I'm referring to all the sex offenders registered in the congregation territory. Do publishers know which houses these registered offenders live at. While it is public information, wouldn't it be prudent for the SO/TS to keep the territories updated with this information? How often are two sisters by themselves going door-to-door not really knowing who will be answering? I also know when I was a kid I used to work with my siblings in service or other kids my age. Even alone sometimes when in my mid teens. I had no idea that I might be knocking on the door of a pedophile. Neither did my parents. Anyway, back when I was an elder and ms this was never even brought up. All our territories had listed were houses where they asked to be taken off the list. The pederasses were part of the territory like any other home.

    I think there are over 20 registered offenders in my old territory. Maybe the angels are just steering the publishers away from those doors?

  • looloo

    i knew someone who used to call on a old man with the mags with his elder dad , when he got disfellowshipped when he was 17 he walked past this mans house who persuaded him inside , he then tried to offer him money and "mucky mags " , because he was very naieve he did not realise how dodgy this was ! i eventually heard the old man often gave young lads money in exchange for sexual favours ! jws think its a protection growing up in that religion but being too gulible is no protection !

  • yknot

    Talk about a 'wake up' thread topic!

    Really great idea!

    How on earth does these things escape us for so long when it is soooooooo obvious!

  • Cthulhu

    A good place to start such an investigation would be right at the Kingdom Hall.

  • blondie

    There are way more non-jw sex offenders in each territory than jw ones. In many states the information is available on line to the public. Individual concerned jws could check for themselves.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    When I was secretary, I used to look them up every year and list them as brothers only - do not call. Everyone thought it was a good idea but I'm not sure if they're still doing it in that congregation. I don't think there was any specific direction at the time, I just did it on my own.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Not in the hall I stopped going to. Why when they were sending three of their own child molesters into the territory. I suggested it but hey I was just a stupid sister.

    I truly wonder if they would not do it so as to not offend the child molesters brothers in the hall. I mean how would brother baby rapist feel if he checked out a territory and low and behold there were two sex offenders who he might have even served time with in prison and he is told not to call on them! They need their lives saved also.

    I am with blondie if you must go out in service check the internet before you go. Do not send you children alone. No it is not cute to see two eight or ten year olds going to strangers home alone. Sadly I have seen that happen a lot.


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    LITS - that's insane on so many different levels.

    Edited to add - that's an insane situation and those parents that allow their young children to take doors without an adult and the elders that allow the pedos to go door to door are equally stupid.

  • james_woods
    There are way more non-jw sex offenders in each territory than jw ones. In many states the information is available on line to the public. Individual concerned jws could check for themselves.

    I live in a North Dallas suburb of maybe 20 to 30 thousand people. A few years back, some activist organization did a public mailing of registered sex offenders in our community. I was shocked to see that the list ran about 5 pages - well into the hundreds. It is much more common than we may realize. Of course, I have always suspected (without any particular proof) that the most dangerous are the ones who do not keep up their registration or who simply have not been caught and convicted yet - (unfortunately, most of the JW offenders are in the latter group). In practical terms, I don't know how much this kind of effort would accomplish - remember the sex offender guy who was registered, on probation, and had visits from the parole board while keeping a teenage girl confined in his backyard for years. Further, in practical terms, the JWs could care less about making this effort for their deluded rank & file magazine vendors.

  • looloo

    while watching panarama once a policeman said it should be all the sex offenders that have never been prosected or even arrested yet that people should be concerned about and not the ones on the register seeing as 9 out of 10 that are arrested for that kind of crime are released due to lack of evidence ! scarey !

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