Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-12-10 WT Study (RIGHTEOUSNESS)

by blondie 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-12-10 WT Study (OCTOBER 15, 2010, pages 7-11)(RIGHTEOUSNESS)

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    “Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness,

    and all these other things will be added to you.” —MATT. 6:33.


    WTS = GOD


    1, 2. What is God’s righteousness, and upon what

    is it based?

    “K EEP ON , then, seeking first the kingdom.”

    (Matt. 6:33) This admonition given by Jesus Christ

    in his Sermon on the Mount is well-known

    by Jehovah’s Witnesses today. In every aspect

    of our lives, we endeavor

    to show that we love that Kingdom

    government and want to be loyal to it. But

    we must also keep in mind the second part

    of this expression, namely, “and his righteousness.”

    What is God’s righteousness, and what does it mean to seek it first?


    Well-known by Jehovah’s Witnesses…implies that not well-known by non-jws

    The word government is not even in the bible; why does the WTS feel compelled to add that word after “Kingdom”? Do they feel that non-jws don’t understand what a kingdom is?

    2 The original-language words for “righteousness”

    can also be translated “justice”

    or “uprightness.” Hence, God’s righteousness

    is uprightness according to his personal

    standards and values. As the Creator, Jehovah has

    the right to set the standard for what

    is good and what is bad, what is right and

    what is wrong. (Rev. 4:11) God’s righteousness,

    however, is not a cold, rigid set of laws

    or an endless list of rules and regulations.

    Rather, it is based on Jehovah’s personality

    and his cardinal attribute of justice together

    with his other cardinal attributes of love,

    wisdom, and power. God’s righteousness,

    then, is linked with his will and purpose. It

    includes what he expects of those who desire

    to serve him.


    What “original-language words”? Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek? What are those words? What else can they be translated besides justice or uprightness?

    If we bake a cake, do we have the right to set all standards for all other cake bakers?

    “not a cold, rigid set of laws or an endless list of rules and regulations” but the Pharisees made the so and the WTS does today. Have you ever looked up the requirements for an elder in the WT Index? What is the past and new elder’s manual but a cold, rigid set of laws and an endless list of rules and regulations?

    Matthew 15:1-9

    3. (a) What does it mean to seek first God’s righteousness?

    (b) Why do we uphold Jehovah’s righteous


    3 What does it mean to seek first God’s

    righteousness? Simply stated, it means to do

    God’s will in order to please him. Seeking his

    righteousness includes trying to live according

    to his values and perfect standards and

    not our own. (Read Romans 12:2.) This way

    of life involves our very relationship with Jehovah.

    It is not a matter of obeying his laws

    out of fear of punishment. Rather, our love

    for God motivates us to endeavor to please

    him by upholding his standards, not establishing

    our own. We realize that this is the

    right thing to do, the very thing that we

    have been designed to do. Like Jesus Christ,

    the King of God’s Kingdom, we must love

    righteousness.—Heb. 1:8, 9.


    Simple? What is God’s will, what pleases him, where does the bible say that or must we depend on WTS explanations which are rigid rules and regulations?

    Does the WTS establish their own standards apart from God’s…once it was wrong to have an organ transplant, then in 1980 is was “right.” It wasn’t until 1947 that the WTS made polygamy “wrong” in Africa.

    Notice how the WTS does not comment on Hebrews 1:8?

    Hebrews 1:8 (NASB)

    But of the Son He says,

    4. Why is it so important to seek God’s righteousness?

    4 How important is it to seek Jehovah’s

    righteousness? Consider this fact: The original

    test in the garden of Eden was based on

    whether Adam and Eve would accept Jehovah’s

    right to set standards or not. (Gen. 2:

    17; 3:5) Their failure to do so has brought

    misery and death upon us as their descendants.

    (Rom. 5:12) On the other hand, God’s

    Word states: “He that is pursuing righteousness

    and loving-kindness will find life, righteousness

    and glory.” (Prov. 21:21) Yes, seeking

    first God’s righteousness results in a

    harmonious relationship with Jehovah that,

    in turn, leads to our very salvation.—Rom. 3:

    23, 24.


    Were Adam and Eve being tested or the angel?

    God is going to kill eternally minor children and the unborn children of non-jws at Armageddon although they had no chance to make a personal decision. Why was God concerned about the unborn children of Adam and Eve?

    Relationship with Jehovah—what about relationship with Christ?

    Our salvation—what about the salvation of others?

    The Danger of Becoming Self-Righteous

    5. What danger do we need to avoid?

    5 In writing to the Christians in Rome, the

    apostle Paul highlighted a danger we all

    need to avoid if we are to be successful in

    seeking first God’s righteousness. Speaking

    of his fellow Jews, Paul said: “I bear them

    witness that they have a zeal for God; but not

    according to accurate knowledge; for, because

    of not knowing the righteousness of

    God but seeking to establish their own, they

    did not subject themselves to the righteousness

    of God.” (Rom. 10:2, 3) According to

    Paul, those worshippers did not understand

    the righteousness of God because they were

    too busy trying to establish their own righteousness.

    *According to one scholar, the original-language

    word translated “to establish” can also mean ‘to erect a

    monument.’ So those Jews were, in effect, erecting a figurative

    monument to their own praise and not God’s.


    What were the Christians in Rome specifically doing to “establish their own…righteousness?

    Who is this “scholar”? Why does the WTS not name this person? What is the “original-language word” and why does the WTS leave it out? Oldtimers remember the days of agape, storge, philia, porneia.

    6. What attitude should we avoid, and why?

    6 One way we could fall into this trap is by

    viewing our service to God as a competition,

    comparing ourselves to others. This attitude

    could easily lead us to become overconfident

    as to our abilities. But, really, if we were

    to act that way, we would be forgetting Jehovah’s

    righteousness. (Gal. 6:3, 4) The correct

    motive for doing the right thing is our love

    for Jehovah. Any attempts to prove our own

    righteousness could invalidate our claim to

    love him.—Read Luke 16:15.


    Do jws compare themselves to others or does the WTS, pointing to someone with a grave illness, a single mother with six children, a person with a disability, then say they can regular pioneer, why not you!

    Who become overconfident of their abilities….elders, COs, DOs, Bethelites, etc.?

    How many jws do the “right thing” according to the WTS out of fear of being df’d or losing privileges?

    How many jws have to prove their worthiness according to WTS standards not God’s?

    7. How did Jesus address the problem of self righteousness?

    7 Jesus was concerned about those “who

    trusted in themselves that they were righteous

    and who considered the rest as nothing.”

    He addressed the problem of self righteousness

    by relating this illustration:

    “Two men went up into the temple to pray,

    the one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.

    The Pharisee stood and began to pray

    these things to himself, ‘O God, I thank you

    I am not as the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous,

    adulterers, or even as this tax collector.

    I fast twice a week, I give the tenth of

    all things I acquire.’ But the tax collector

    standing at a distance was not willing even

    to raise his eyes heavenward, but kept beating

    his breast, saying, ‘O God, be gracious to

    me a sinner.’” Jesus concluded by saying: “I

    tell you, This man went down to his home

    proved more righteous than that man; because

    everyone that exalts himself will be

    humiliated, but he that humbles himself

    will be exalted.”—Luke 18:9-14.


    Doesn’t the WTS consider others as so-called or professed Christians?

    Doesn’t the WTS consider theirs the only true religion?

    Doesn’t the WTS believe that only jws will survive Armaggeddon?

    I fast twice a week—I go to the meetings twice a week

    I give the tenth of all the things I acquire—tithing equals preaching, so I send 70 hours a month

    Another Danger—Becoming

    “Righteous Overmuch”

    8, 9. What does it mean to be “righteous overmuch,”

    and to what can it lead us?

    8 Another danger that we need to avoid is

    described at Ecclesiastes 7:16: “Do not become

    righteous overmuch, nor show yourself

    excessively wise. Why should you cause desolation

    to yourself?” The inspired Bible writer

    then goes on, as noted in verse 20, to give

    us a reason for avoiding such an attitude:

    “For there is no man righteous in the earth

    that keeps doing good and does not sin.”

    The person who becomes “righteous overmuch”

    sets his own standards for righteousness

    and judges others by them. Yet, he fails

    to realize that by doing so, he is elevating his

    standards above those of God and thereby

    proving himself to be unrighteous in God’s



    Doesn’t the WTS judge by its own standards…beards on men not allowed, etc.

    Aren’t they elevating their standards above God’s?

    9 Being “righteous overmuch,” or as some

    Bible translations put it, being “excessively

    righteous” or “over righteous,” could

    even cause us to question Jehovah’s way of

    handling matters. We need to remember,

    though, that if we question the fairness or

    rightness of Jehovah’s decisions, we are, in

    effect, starting to put our standard of

    righteousness above Jehovah’s standard. It is as if

    we put Jehovah on trial and judged him by

    our own standards of right and wrong. But

    Jehovah is the one who has the right to

    set the standard for righteousness, not us!



    Question God’s way of handling matters? Or the WTS way?

    If the WTS puts their standard above God’s and the rank and file jw refuses to do so are they questioning God?

    10. As in the case of Job, what might cause us to

    judge God?

    10 Although none of us would deliberately

    want to judge God, our imperfect nature can

    lead us down this path. This can easily happen when

    we see something that we view as

    unfair or if we personally suffer hardship.

    Even the faithful man Job made this mistake.

    Job was initially described as “blameless

    and upright, and fearing God and turning

    aside from bad.” (Job 1:1) But then Job

    was beset by a series of calamities that to

    him, appeared to be unfair. This led Job to

    declare “his own soul righteous rather than

    God.” (Job 32:1, 2) Job had to have his viewpoint

    corrected. So we should not be surprised

    if, at times, we might find ourselves in

    a similar situation. If that happens, what can

    help us to readjust our thinking?


    Unfair because of God or because of human standards in the WTS?


    But God knew those calamities were from Satan and God allowed it, let Satan target Job but not kill him but let him kill his ten children.

    Remember Job was being accused by his 3 so-called friends of having committed and sin that caused God to bring these evil things on Job.

    Doesn’t God himself say in the Bible that he does not test his worshippers with evil things?

    James 1:13-14 (New International Version, ©2010)

    When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.

    We Do Not Always Have All the Facts

    11, 12. (a) If we feel that something is unfair, what

    do we need to remember? (b) Why might someone

    feel that Jesus’ illustration of the workers in the

    vineyard depicts something unfair?

    11 The first thing to remember is that we

    do not always have all the facts. That was

    What lesson do we learn from Jesus’ illustration of the

    two men who prayed at the temple?

    true in Job’s case. He did not know of the

    meetings of the angelic sons of God in heaven

    where Satan falsely accused him. (Job 1:

    7-12; 2:1-6) Job did not realize that his problems

    were actually caused by Satan. In fact,

    we cannot be certain that Job even knew the

    true identity of Satan! So he wrongly assumed

    that his problems were caused by

    God. Yes, it is easy to come to the wrong

    conclusion when we do not know all the facts.


    Did Job wrongly assume that his problems were from God or did his “friends”?

    Job 1:22 In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.

    Does the WTS have all the facts?

    12 Consider, for example, Jesus’ illustration

    of the workers in the vineyard. (Read

    Matthew 20:8-16.) Here Jesus describes a

    householder who pays the same amount of

    money to all his workers, whether they

    worked the whole day or just one hour. How

    do you feel about that? Does that seem fair?

    Perhaps you immediately identify with the

    workers who worked all day in the hot sun.

    Surely they deserved to be paid more! Based

    on that conclusion, the householder could

    be viewed as being unloving and unfair.

    Even his answer to those workers who complained

    could appear to be an arbitrary

    abuse of authority. But do we have all the



    But the WTS does feel that those who do more should get more privileges and honor…elders…double honor.

    1 Timothy 5:17 (New International Version, ©2010)

    The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.

    13. What other viewpoint could we take with regard

    to Jesus’ illustration of the workers in the vineyard?

    13 Let us analyze this illustration from another

    viewpoint. No doubt the householder

    in the illustration realized that all these men

    needed to feed their families. In Jesus’ day,

    field workers were paid on a daily basis.

    Their families relied on the wages paid each

    day. With this in mind, think about the

    position of those whom the householder

    found late in the day and who therefore

    worked for only one hour. Perhaps they

    would not be able to feed their family with

    just one hour’s pay; yet, they had been willing

    to work and had waited the whole day to

    be employed. (Matt. 20:1-7) It was not their

    fault that they were not allowed to work the

    entire day. There is no indication that they

    deliberately tried to avoid work. Imagine if

    you had to wait all day, knowing that others

    were dependent on what you would earn

    that day. How grateful you would be to get

    some work—and how surprised you would

    be to receive enough payment to feed your



    So long-time jws don’t get more honor than “new” jws?

    14. What valuable lesson do we learn from the

    vineyard illustration?

    14 Now let us reevaluate the actions of the

    householder. He did not underpay anyone.

    Rather, he treated all the workers as those

    having a right to a living. Even though the

    situation could be viewed as a buyer’s market,

    with no shortage of workers, he did not

    take advantage of them by offering less than

    what was fair. All his workers returned home

    with enough to feed their families. Taking

    into consideration these extra details may

    change our view of his actions. His decision

    was a loving one and not an arbitrary abuse

    of authority. What lesson can we learn?

    Was it unfair to pay the

    11th-hour workers the same as those

    who worked the whole day?

    That considering just some of the facts can

    cause us to jump to the wrong conclusion.

    Indeed, this parable highlights the superiority

    of God’s righteousness, which is not

    based on legal regulations and human merit



    The WTS adds to the bible…………….

    Buzz Words In Their Literature

    This Clearly Shows . . .

    What Must One Do . . .

    We Might Reasonable Assume. . .

    The Bible Plainly Says . . .

    Most Certainly...

    Most/Many Scholars . . .

    Has Clearly Shown . . .

    Isn't It Reasonable To Conclude...

    Surely Then . . .

    We Have Clearly seen . . .

    Fine Examples...

    Truly . . .

    The Evidence Shows . . .

    Thus, We Can See...


    The Evidence Should Be Clear . . .

    Obviously . . .

    Of course...

    Reasonably, Then . . .

    Logically . . .


    Thus The Facts Make Clear . . .

    Justifiably . . .


    Surly This Is Reasonable . . .

    Our Viewpoint May Be

    Distorted or Limited

    15. Why might our viewpoint of fairness be distorted

    or limited?

    15 The second factor to remember when

    we are faced with a situation that appears to

    be unfair is that our viewpoint may be distorted

    or limited. It can be distorted by imperfection,

    prejudice, or cultural background. It is

    also limited by our inability to discern motives

    and to know what is really in people’s

    hearts. In contrast, both Jehovah and Jesus

    have no such limitations.—Prov. 24:12;Matt.

    9:4; Luke 5:22.


    Distorted by imperfection, prejudice, or cultural background—remember the WTS thought that blacks were not as smart as whites.

    Inability to discern motives…in people’s hearts….unless you are an elder sitting on a judicial committee

    16, 17. Why may Jehovah not have enforced his

    Law on adultery at the time of David’s sin with Bathsheba?

    16 Let us analyze the account of David’s

    adultery with Bath-sheba. (2 Sam. 11:2-5)

    According to the Mosaic Law, they deserved

    to be executed. (Lev. 20:10; Deut. 22:22) Although

    Jehovah punished them, he did not

    enforce his own law. Was that unfair on Jehovah’s

    part? Did he show favoritism to David

    and violate His own righteous standards?

    Some Bible readers have felt that way.


    So did he show favoritism? Did God judge any other murderers or adulterers in David’s time as repentant and not deserving of execution?

    17 However, this law on adultery was given

    by Jehovah to imperfect judges, who could

    not read hearts. Despite their limitations,

    they were enabled by this law to be consistent

    in their judgments. On the other

    hand, Jehovah can read hearts. (Gen. 18:25;

    1 Chron. 29:17) So we should not expect

    that Jehovah would have to be restricted by a

    law he designed for imperfect judges. If he

    were, would that not be like forcing someone

    with perfect vision to wear eyeglasses

    that are designed to correct the vision of

    those with defective sight? Jehovah could

    read the hearts of David and Bath-sheba

    and see their genuine repentance. Taking

    such a factor into consideration, he judged

    them accordingly, in a merciful and loving



    Adultery and murder were capital offenses…guilty parties were put to death. Why allow imperfect men to judge anyone if they could not read hearts and made mistakes leading to the death of an innocent person? Why didn’t God do all the direct judging to make sure no one died by mistake?

    Continue to Seek

    Jehovah’s Righteousness

    18, 19. What will help us never to judge Jehovah

    by our own standards of righteousness?

    18 So if at times we see something that we

    feel is unfair on Jehovah’s part—whether

    we read it in a Bible account or experience

    it in our personal life—let us never

    judge God by our own standards of righteousness.

    Remember that we do not always

    have all the facts and that our viewpoint

    may be distorted or limited. Never

    forget that “man’s wrath does not work out

    God’s righteousness.” (Jas. 1:19, 20) In this

    way, our hearts will never become “enraged

    against Jehovah himself.”—Prov.19:3.

    19 Like Jesus, let us always acknowledge

    that Jehovah alone has the right to set the

    standard for what is righteous and good.

    (Mark 10:17, 18) Strive to gain an “accurate

    knowledge” or “a real knowledge” of his

    standards. (Rom. 10:2; 2 Tim. 3:7, The Twentieth

    Century New Testament) By accepting

    these and conforming our lives to Jehovah’s

    will, we show that we are seeking first “his

    righteousness.”—Matt. 6:33.


    Unfair on God’s part or the WTS’ part?

    Can we judge the WTS according to God’s standards…if it is not in the bible we don’t follow them?

    Conform to God’s will or the WTS’ will?

    Do You Remember?

    ? Why is it important to seek Jehovah’s


    ? What two dangers do we need to


    ? How can we seek first God’s righ teousness?


    WTS = GOD


    “we look for opportunities to be the first in expressing honor to all, including lowly ones.”

    So who are the lowly in jw congregations? Isn’t this like the Pharisee earlier looking down on the “sinner” praying?

    Love, Blondie

  • bobld


    You covered all the points.Iam sure you will do well on your next point of counsel.Thank you.


  • Bonnie_Clyde
    The second factor to remember when

    we are faced with a situation that appears to

    be unfair is that our viewpoint may be distorted

    or limited. It can be distorted by imperfection,

    prejudice, or cultural background. It is

    also limited by our inability to discern motives

    and to know what is really in people’s

    hearts. In contrast, both Jehovah and Jesus

    have no such limitations.—

    The WTS and many elders don't think they have these limitations either.

  • sir82

    Adultery and murder were capital offenses…guilty parties were put to death. Why allow imperfect men to judge anyone if they could not read hearts and

    made mistakes leading to the death of an innocent person? Why didn’t God do all the direct judging to make sure no one died by mistake?


    If Jehovah knew the judges were imperfect, he also knew they would make mistakes - dozens, hundreds, thousands of times.

    Isn't there a scripture about how Jehohvah hates "hands shedding innocent blood"? This law, "evidently" directly from Jehovah, ensured the death of thousands of innocent victoms over the centuries.

  • WTWizard

    Now look who is being self righteous? He is righteous no matter what?

    What about creating situations where a person is mistreated by the world, just so that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag can later exploit this situation to get excessive field circus? Result: Excessive self righteousness (in this case, to put oneself apart from the world), not giving a fxxx about the disruption and potentially ruined lives resulting from such service (right or not), and trying to get others to do more. I remember myself in that situation when I first went into the cancer: Always wanting to hog the doors, wondering why no one used the False Reasoning book to get "Not Interested" people in, wanting to spend every minute out in field circus and not taking breaks, and so on.

    Now, not only does this situation lend itself to people joining cults in the first place, but where is Jehovah's disincentive from preventing me (and others like this) from having whatever problem led them into the cancer in the first place from taking that person's whole life? Fair? To not let certain people live their lives? To make it look like I (and others) had the same opportunities as everyone else while making sure they never got to exercise them? And, if it worked for Jehovah once, perhaps it will work for him again--same cult or not.

    Yet, that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag is not to be questioned with absolute justice? And, for the record, I view Tyrant David as being about as righteous as Osama Bin Laden--terrorizing other countries into joining his religion. The difference is that Tyrant David did not have the means to blow up buildings or train people to fly planes into commercial buildings of non-Jehovah worshiping nations.

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