EATING BLOOD: What It Really Means

by cameo-d 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cameo-d

    The phrase "eating blood" has been translated from an archaic language from words that were intended to express the idea of "profiting from bloodshed".

    This would include anyone who is a war monger: leaders who declare war, soldiers who fight in the King's wars, those who sell merchandise that is used in those wars, those who provide services for war mongers, etc.

    Profiting from bloodshed would also include people who kill others for any reason. A woman who kills an abusive husband profits by gaining her "freedom". A robber profits by gaining some monetary value. One who kills out of blackmail gains silence. There is always some "profit" to be had where murder is concerned.

    Profiting from bloodshed can also be seen in some holiday celebrations. Do you ever see an Indian represented in Thanksgiving decorations? Rarely, if ever. The traditional decorations are a Cornucopia, a turkey, and a pilgrim with a musket. The "food" and the "horn of plenty" represents the spoils of war. Profiting from the deaths of others.

    The 4th of July celebrations also represent profiting from bloodshed. The fireworks represent the noise of weapons and the flash of burning fires.

    (I noticed on a recent thread that the WT calls these non-religious holidays "false religious holidays". What absurd wording. It should be crystal clear that they do not even know what they are talking about. They have no truth nor accuracy in their mouths. These holidays never had anything to do with religion so how can they be labeled as "false religion"?)

    Watchtower elites have made up the most ridiculous doctrines because not one of those people have ever understood the true meaning. None of them are nor ever have been "Holy Spirit directed". I believe they do claim to be "spirit inspired" but the only spirit inspiring them is an evil spirt. Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and none of the Watchtower Governing Body nor any of it's associates have that. Their time has come. They all have blood on their hands. They have profited greatly from the death of their own members and have taken the food from the orphans and widows. They have profited from bloodshed by directing their members to refuse life saving treatments. May they all be thrown into the abyss with Satan their leader.

    Do you have blood on your hands? Has profiting from bloodshed touched your life in any way?

    Do you support people who engage in profiting from bloodshed? Do you support the leadership of nations which engage in declaring wars for the profit it brings? Do you trade with corporations that provide goods to the war mongers? do you trade with corporations that furnish products that are a direct result of the spoils of war? Do you participate in holidays that promote the benefits of the spoils of war? Do you honor people who have been decorated for killing people?

    Revelation 7

    After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.

    Then one of the elders asked me, “These in white robes—who are they, and where did they come from?”

    14 I answered, “Sir, you know.”

    And he said, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the (Spirit of Truth)

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Yes, this is something that's rumored to be in flux. Whether they're really discussing it up the line in the spiritual holy of holies I don't know, but the rumors are that it's something that may be in the winds of change.

    Anciently people engaged in all sorts of horrible habits and practices. They sacrificed babies in the fires of Molech and they partook of blood in various rites. Blood is the carrier of all sorts of diseases, and that it would be forbidden for human consumption is understandable. But so were graven images! People worshiped them anciently, so they were forbidden under the Law. Now that it's no longer a problem, graven images are no longer forbidden. (Still, some radicals remain convinced that images on film and stone should be forbidden. If blood for medical purposes is not allowed, neither should statues and photos be allowed!)

    It's time for some new light to come streaming in through the windows at Bethel. The problem is, so many JW children, spouses and such are dead because of the policy that it might not be feasible. We'll have to wait and see.

  • cameo-d

    Cold Steel: "Yes, this is something that's rumored to be in flux. Whether they're really discussing it up the line in the spiritual holy of holies I don't know, but the rumors are that it's something that may be in the winds of change."

    I do not know anything of their rumors. As far as I am concerned they are always trying to come up with some "new stuff" and constantly flip flop on their doctrines and policies. And the mindless just follow along.

    Cold Steel: "It's time for some new light to come streaming in through the windows at Bethel."

    The words above are my own personal understanding. I have never read this anywhere and it has never been told to me nor implied through any means other than my own spiritual conception. The words above are MY OWN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY and if WT now decides to use my words and my spiritual understanding to "clarify" and change their doctrines to sound more plausable, then I hope you all remember you heard it here first.

    If anyone in that wicked organization had had this true understanding of the concept of "eating blood" they would have come forward with it long ago. As it is, they have been shooting in the dark all along. They "know" these edicts are supposed to mean something--but they don't know what. That's why they have made up all these nonsense doctrines to try to convince people of their absurd notion that it means no transfusions. Many people are not convinced, but they have pledged to blindly follow when they declared loyalty to the org at their baptism. So they are bound and threatened with estrangement if they do not go along in spite of their doubts and confusion.

    The reason WT fails to understand the true meanings of scriptures is because understanding is given only to those who have the Holy Spirit, or in other words, those who have a heart of truth and make truth a priority above life.

    Cold Steel: "It's time for some new light to come streaming in through the windows at Bethel."

    It will never happen!

    What fellowship has light with darkness?

    What partnership has righteousness with lawlessness?

    What accord has Christ with Belial?

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    I don't know that the organization is "evil" as much as it is ignorant. Sometimes one gets locked into a doctrine and can't back out of it without looking like there's some sort of spiritual disconnect. It's very much like the blind leading the blind. In modern day Israel, there are certain neighborhoods where you and your car can be stoned if you drive it on their Sabbath. In some neighborhoods in New York where Jews carry wafers or sweets to offer Gentiles who open the doors for them on the Sabbath. Very weird stuff.

    Some strange sects today still forbid photographs because they can be seen as "graven images." And I had a friend who would drive fifty miles out of his way to visit a kosher restaurant on travel. At home he kept two sets of china. It wouldn't have been so bad except that he didn't believe a word of the Old Testament. The kosher stuff was just what he'd been taught; it was part of the culture.

    How do you back out of things like that? It's literally etched in stone. At one time it made sense for health reasons, but now it's just a quaint tradition.

  • cameo-d

    Cold Steel: I don't know that the organization is "evil" as much as it is ignorant.

    CS, It is evil. The higher ups just use ignorant people as their lackeys. There is a very sinister group behind the WT. It's much more than just your "governing body". It springs from a well much deeper. And the water is poison.

    CS: Sometimes one gets locked into a doctrine and can't back out of it without looking like there's some sort of spiritual disconnect. It's very much like the blind leading the blind.

    It seems like you are apologizing for them. There is no excuse. When you make up a lie and make up club rules and present them as the real truth right out of god's mouth because god himself told you so....yeah, I could see where one might end up in an eventual bind. These liars will get what they deserve one day soon. There is no excuse for the nightmares they have put families through. A place of eternal torment for them would be satisfactory to me.

    Cold Steel: Some strange sects today still forbid photographs because they can be seen as "graven images."

    And some aborigines believe that a photograph will capture and steal your soul. They won't exactly be engraved images until The Number is written on your forehead. (j/k)

    Cold Steel: And I had a friend who would drive fifty miles out of his way to visit a kosher restaurant on travel. At home he kept two sets of china. It wouldn't have been so bad except that he didn't believe a word of the Old Testament. The kosher stuff was just what he'd been taught; it was part of the culture.

    Part of the culture? You mean superstition? Yes, all religions are based in unfounded superstition. The whole deal about the separate dishes is another misinterpretation of scripture. The leaders of these religions have no true spiritual understanding and so they make up these rituals instead. The no blood transfusions is a ritual, too. The excess china is a ritual based on a scripture about not boiling a calf in it's mother's milk. There is something insensitive about doing something like that. It's the same sort of sensivity that vegetarians have about not eating meat because of having seen how inhumanely the animals have been treated and slaughtered. They have feelings for the creatures.

    This illustration of boiling a calf in it's mothers milk was most probably meant to instill a sense of reverence and respect for what animals give us and not to be taken to excess. The way most people today live, animals are nothing more than a commercial meat farm. It is to such an excess that they are now given hormones and milked so constantly that their teats crack and the milk contains blood and pus. Today, animals suffer in making production and before slaughter, they often travel miles without food or water in cramped unsanitary conditions on the way to the slaughterhouse. What other culture eats meat at least three times a day?

    Having two sets of dishes doesn't even come close to what was meant by that scripture. Religious leaders are fucking idiots. Yes, they are blind leading the blind. But that still does not excuse their arrogance because they deliberately misled ignorant people and used them for commerce. It was not a "sincere" mistake of misunderstanding scripture. It was more a case of making up rituals to appease the masses in order to shake out their pockets.

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