The Day Niagra Falls Ran Dry

by leavingwt 8 Replies latest social current

  • leavingwt

    There are some fascinating photos (and a video) at the news link below that I had never seen. Take a look, if you'd like to know what Niagra Falls looks like with NO WATER.

    It's taken 41 years, but a previously unseen set of photos of the mighty Niagara Falls reduced to nothing more than a barren cliff-top have finally surfaced.

    The stark images reveal North America's iconic - and most powerful - waterfall to be almost as dry as a desert.

    In June 1969, U.S. engineers diverted the flow of the Niagara River away from the American side of the falls for several months.

  • leavingwt
  • ShirleyW

    I remember we took a family trip to Canada and stopped over at Niagara Falls, when the American side was shut off.

    We went back about a year or two later because of the disappointment, was so surprised how the small the American side is compared to the Canadian side !

  • Leolaia

    From a thing of beauty to sheer desolation. Just add water. That is, it is stunning how much desolation is hidden underneath all that water.

  • PSacramento

    That is very cool :)

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    Thanks for the pics! I didn't know that they had done that.

  • OnTheWayOut

    If they can turn off a waterfall, why can't I get family out of a cult?

    (tying the subject into the forum.)

  • mentallyfree31

    I had never heard of this before..

  • Snoozy

    Doesn't look as impressive all dried up does it..


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