I was wondering what appeals to most about choosing to become a jw so i would like to leave you with some questions to answer (and yes this is serious q1.was it due to family q2.due to depression or loss of a loved one q3.looking for a purpose in life q4.everlatsing life q5.drugs or alcohol or mental illness q6.lack of bible understanding q7.easily persuaded q8.needed friends well thats alll 4 now i am just trying to find out what religious people have in common, because i seem to notice alot of religious people i know seem to have the same personality traits such as depression,mental illness,weird,very boring,insane,narrow minded,and you know the rest i guess?
why choose jehovahs witnesses????
by master chief 8 Replies latest jw friends
When I was young and had a family the teachings of the paradise was what caught out attention. The point that the earth was created for man and blah,blah,blah. It was the ideal thing we were looking for to give our children the gift of eternal life through jesus, but like all fairy tales they come to an end... where you were lost in the sharp colors of life the colors begin tofade and the pages crummble due to reading over and over the same tales only with the ending changing with each passing decade. It is only so many times one can have the end change until one starts to question the prince; Did I kiss a toad and it turned into an Prince or princess, or did I just kiss a princess and she turned into a frog.
My fairy tale crummbled and there was not anyone around able to prove the tale was true anymore.
I questioned the story and the witness shut the book on me.
I don't know why any one would choose the Witnesses. Frankly they have a lousy dental plan.
Slipnslidemaster:"The problem with Ireland is that it’s a country full of genius, but with absolutely no talent."
- Hugh Leonard -
I just found out that they frown on anal sex.
Slipnslidemaster:"The problem with Ireland is that it’s a country full of genius, but with absolutely no talent."
- Hugh Leonard -
I've wondered why I chose to become a witness. Maybe it's because I was new to the area and they all seemed so nice at first. There were lots of early warning signs up, but I ignored them. It was so much fun that first year.
The other shoe dropped soon afterwards....
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On -
Well, if you like to get it on with children, one reason to choose the witnesses is because you are almost guaranteed free-reign amongst the little ones. If one of the little buggers ever says anything, all you have to do is walk up to some two-bit elder, keep a straight face and categorically (sp?) deny that anything happened, remind them of the cherrished two-witness rule straight from the bible, and top it off with a threat to sue for slander if your "good name" is tarnished.
I'm with you, Ianao. That's EXACTLY how it is. You're pretty pissed off about this, aren't you?
Religon is and always has been one of the most corrupt things on our planet. The second most corrupt thing is politics.
Thats why I think their going to eventually duke-it-out and politics will when.
plm -
You don't choose them, they choose you.
Slipnslidemaster:"The problem with Ireland is that it’s a country full of genius, but with absolutely no talent."
- Hugh Leonard