Well?? Any Cedar Point stories?? I'm in Cleveland, Ohio. If you live near give me a shout out.
Anyone here from NE Ohio??
by noni1974 8 Replies latest jw experiences
Yes originally. 4th Generationer.. My Father and Grandmother attended 1927 Cedar Point convention and still kicking at 90.
I was born in Cleveland, I grew up in 7-HIlls and went to Normandy High school.
I've been in Florida since 81.
I used to go to Cedar point and win more stuffed animals than I could fit in the car for the trip home. That was back in the 70's.
no more kool aid
Noni, gonna PM you NMKA
Hey Noni! I am REALLY wanting to move away from ole Mexico here. Would you recommend Ohio? I am looking to buy a house. Is it cheap to live there etc.? Mucho cold?
Hello Noni...and Merry Christmas from SW Ohio.
I'm between Cleveland and Youngstown.
Wow who knew there are so many in Ohio on here. Nice to meet you all. No More Kool Aid I PMed you back.
Botz I'm not sure Ohio is a place I would move to from Mexico. It gets very cold here. LOL Although there are a lot of spanish speaking people here. You never know until you try. You might like it here.
Yesterdays Child
Euclid here