A couple years ago I wouldnt have even fathomed the idea of joining a forum like this. Just want to say that I appreciate the free flow of ideas, and the open mindedness of most members and the intolerance of suppressed and unsupported ideologies of JW's and anti-JW's as well. Keep the logic flowing!
by ranmac 8 Replies latest jw friends
This is a good website!
I concur!
A year ago I came across this site and read about a page worth of topics, then thought, I shouldn't be reading Apostate stuff! But what I read was logic and people that have gone or are going through similar situations as me. About a couple months later I came back and start reading more and more... then I signed up and wow what a ride! Great info here and I opened Pandora's Box and it can't be closed! I love it!
Thanks all for the great experiences that have helped me this year.
Think About It
Ranmac.....welcome to the forum. I'm coming up on my 1yr anniversary here. Left the JW's 15yrs ago with just a gut feeling it wasn't the truth. Now after learning the truth about the truth, you can feel confident that the WTS is not God's Channel on earth.
Think About It
Glad to have you here ranmac... I was booted out in 1987 because I didnt see Jesus arrive invisably
in 1914.Wanted to kill myself,( only because a young lad would have seen me i didnt)
This is my family now. Been her for many years. Cant remember how many!!!Mouthy
COO BLIMEY!!! Has it been that long. Glad you came out to help the old lady
Welcome Ranmac!