The holidays can be tough for a few years while you're adjusting. The guilt of participating in, and enjoying anything related to the holidays can be overwhelming.
You don't have to celebrate any holiday to be a non-jw. That is entirely up to you.
You may feel like Xmas could never have any meaning to you because of your history and Pagan roots. All that means is it might be different for you, not necessarily permanently meaningless.
I am an atheist and fully enjoy it. I do nothing Xian-related. To me this is just the season of lights and a celebration of nature/end of year. I listen to Xmas music and enjoy it all--regardless of what it's about (to me Santa and Jesus are equally fairy tales so neither bothers me more than the other).
You can make it whatever you want it to be. It can be done. It doesn't have to be painful or sad.
Best wishes to those who are still adjusting to life outside The Village. (( ))