Only because you asked me to do this, Mouthy

by dgp 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • dgp

    Dearest Mouthy, I am posting this now only because you asked me. So you know who I am.



  • mouthy

    OH How wonderful to get your call.All that way WOW!!!!!

    You say your an atheist...But you know what?In MY book your a follower
    of MY GOD Christ because he said this is how you will KNOW MY people
    by the Love they have among them And because you saw I would be alone
    for Christmas you wanted to cheer me up THAT was CHRIST's Message
    I didnt answer the phone when you called cos I was sinning ( in the WT world)

    I was watching the "YOUNG & THE RESTLESS I wasnt allowed to do that when I
    was in BONDAGE!!!!! Thank Thank Thank you again and again I LOVE YA!!!!!dgp

  • mouthy

    Oh MY Goodness !! Hadit! thank you too for your call(((((((HUGS)))
    The Wt told me when they booted me out,NO one would care about me .

    If anyone from the WT is reading this ...I had SO many friends while I was
    a JW I have twice as many NOW!!!!! Put that in your pipe a smoke it!!!!!

  • Hadit

    You are so sweet Grace and just as beautiful in person as on picture! I'm so glad we got to chat! See - you are NOT alone during the holidays. We all love you very much!

    As for the WT - you have real friends now. Ones that love you unconditionally!

    Sending more love and hugs . We will chat again! I'm looking forward to it.

    Take good care of yourself!


  • mouthy

    You guys owe me KLEENEX!!!! I cried when I got the calls (((HUGS) Thanks

  • mouthy

    If you pass by my house & see my head hanging out you will know WHY????
    I am FLOORED that so many called me Just had a call from MARY!!!!!!!
    Your a great lot.I hope you all know that ....I love you all Thanks all you kids

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