Has Bethel ever turned someone away for Bethel service? Do you know of anybody personally? I'm just wondering because I've never heard anybody turned down yet they act like it's some sort of special privilege.
Has Bethel ever...
by MrFreeze 5 Replies latest jw experiences
cult classic
Most of those I knew that applied were not accepted. Some of them had applied multiple times.
I would imagine by the time someone applies they would have been fully vetted by the congo elders and the CO...
I know most that applied haven't got in. (In my experience of knowing people that have applied).
I was just curious because everybody I know who applied got in. I guess my experience with that is special. Thanks everyone!
My ignorant nephew back in 1972 applied and was accepted. The boy was dummer than a box of rocks and still is. I remember thinking it was crazy he was accepted at bethel. He only stayed a year though because his asthma began acting up in the NY air. I don't recall knowing anyone else who applied that wasn't accepted.