A curious practice i have never known in a convention: (Wt 1922/07/15 p. 213)
"On Sunday morning Brother Rutherford conducted a question meeting, following which there was a consecration of children. A great many children were on this occasion publicly presented by their parents to the Lord. it was an impressive and interesting service. At this service the speaker said in part:
There is nothing dearer on earth than a child. The Lord showed his great love for children, and it is reasonable that his followers would be likewise much interested in the little ones. A person who does not love a child seems to he quite out of the usual. There is something lacking in that person womewhere, particularly if he claims to be a Christian. If we love chidren generally with stronger reasoning should we loce the children, of the connsecrated. The apostle Paul speaks of this special relationship to the Lord because of the consecration of their parents. We should take a special interest in such children.
The King is now present, and his kingdom is beginning. Many of the children now living will never die. What a wonderful prospect before them! And about this, they should be informed, if properly instructed and started on the right course they may readily pass over the highway of holiness. The responsiblity of properly teaching children cannot be overstated. The privilege of starting a child aright is a blessed one. "Train up a child in the way he should go; and . . . he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22: 6) There never was an important time to train children in the right way as now.
Some of the brethen from time to time have criticized their brethen for bringing children into the world, and from these words of criticism some have been much discouraged. We believe that this is not the proper course. While the’ chief purpose of each consecrated one is to glorify the Lord and to make his own calling and election sure, yet the bearing of children by the consecrated is not an improper thing."
Few lines after it is stated:
"Those expecting to be of the church class do not expect to be long with their children in the flesh. Happy, then, is the thought that they can start the child aright rhere. The most reasonable thing, then, is to consecrate the child to the Lord."
So it seems that the consecration of the children was a kind of protection of childs would let be alone on earth, while their parents would soon go to heaven. It was a criticism of the Russell's teaching and practice. Russell had no sexual relationship with Maria, and was not concerned by children. (I am interested in reference in his teaching where he had clearly stated that making children is a waste of time.)