What percentage would leave the WT ORG if they weren't ostracized

by bobld 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • bobld

    I would say approx.20-25%.50-60% stay because they like the friendship and don't really do much in preaching just placing Mags.The remaining ones don't know any better, they are totally brainwashed.Well at least they have a clean brain but good for nothing.


  • mochamint22

    I would have left long time ago and I would be very up front today about not wanting to be a part of it, if I wasn't going to be ostracized. I'm just counted as an 'inactive' publisher because I don't wanna deal with the terrible emotional problems that comes w/DA, DFd.

  • LongHairGal

    B: I would be one of the ones who would leave - whether I was or was NOT ostracized. It isn't about being ostracized for me. It is about truthfulness which apparently I have more of than the fake magicians and the now-you-see-it now-you-don't doctrines. I just couldn't in good conscience tell people it was 'truth'.

  • Mickey mouse
  • treadnh2o

    The number would not be very high. If the ostracizing were eliminated people would not be forced to make a declaration concerning their beliefs and just live their life. It would be very much like any other Christian religion and not like the High Contriol group that it is.

  • jay88

    WTBTS maybe better off without ostracizing. We can look at the memorial attendance and see how many they influence.

    Ease up on the guilt and fear mongering and the demand for useless Corporate Activities,

    and they would have 17 to 18 million strong, who would be more inclined to donate.

    I reckon, lol.......

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