Fred and Kate Gholson video

by Dogpatch 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    New video that Duane Magnani sent me from the old 1980s ex-JWs for Jesus conventions in PA. They aren't all Christian pudding so even you cynics will like it, and Kate was a doll and funny!

    They tell the story about elder harassment, long hair, crazy stuff. It's 55 minutes but a gas.


    Fred and Kate Gholson leave "the Truth" in 1986

  • miseryloveselders

    How many folks would show up for these Ex-JW For Jesus Conventions?

  • myelaine

    that was great!...

    one statement that really touched me..."never give up on anyone"...

    love michelle

  • leavingwt

    I enjoyed this. Thank you for posting it.

  • RayPublisher

    Great video. It would be awesome to be able to read/see scans of the letters they sent!

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    Wow! This is crazy. I knew Fred and Kate as they were the cool couple in the congregation I was born into. I was a kid when all the apostate stuff started happening and it was a very traumatic time. We lived in a small farm town in Illinois, pop. 16,000, and the Gholson family left en masse and began advertising against the WTS with newspapers ads and billboards.

    My dad was the PO at the time and he was a mess over all of it. I remember him reading one of Fred and Kate's letters during a local needs talk. I'm not sure how much they got into doctrine in their letters, as the elders, of course, wouldn't read that part, but the rest was incredibly petty and bitchy towards all of us in general. The only thing I can remember specifically is that they encouraged people to come find them at the local health club, because most JWs were too cheap to join - lol. I think the elders decided to read those excerpts to convince people to stay in "the truth" as the Gholsons did a pretty good job of picking off the strays at the edge of the flock. I really wish now I had been a stray - would have saved myself another 15-odd years of blah and meh.

  • cantleave

    Very Good

  • Dogpatch

    Hi Misery,

    We usually had over 100-150... not bad for the rurals of PA!


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