Despite the Watchtower's drumbeat of anti-higher education rhetoric, they are tragically misguiding their followers about the relationship between a college education and job prospects. I ran across this tidbit in my internet travels:
Who Will Struggle in 2011
"The undereducated. The value of education has never been clearer. The unemployment rate for people who never graduated high school is 15 percent--depression-level joblessness. For high-school grads with no college, unemployment is 10.4 percent, and for college grads it's just 4.9 percent. Unskilled or low-skilled jobs in manufacturing, construction, and other fields will return slowly, if at all, since many of them can be outsourced to other countries where labor costs are lower. That makes education the single-biggest determinant of career success."
Such information does not mean that a motivated and talented person who lacks a college degree cannot be successful. My own son, who was raised as a JW and homeschooled by me, has worked his way up from forklift driver to a management position in his company's IT department. The WTS gets no credit for his achievement, however. He left at the end of his teens (and opened the door for my own exit). He has a quick mind and has worked very hard. And he had a boss who recognized talent and gave him a chance.
Still, most who follow the WT's plan for minimum education and subsistence employment will be struggling in 2011 and beyond. I have another son who is still a JW (and just as quick-minded as his brother). His situation is much less rosy--and, sadly, inclined to stay that way.