From the Watchtower 2009 2/15 para 20
The peaceable are happy because “they will be called ‘sons of God.’” Faithful anointed Christians have been adopted by Jehovah and are “sons of God.” They already have an intimate relationship with Jehovah as his children because they exercise faith in Christ and wholeheartedly worship “the God of love and of peace.” (2 Cor. 13:11; John 1:12) What about Jesus’ peaceable “other sheep”? They will have Jesus as their “Eternal Father” during his Millennial Reign, but at its end he will subject himself to Jehovah and they will become children of God in a complete sense.—John 10:16; Isa. 9:6; Rom. 8:21; 1 Cor. 15:27, 28
What upsets me is the org takes away what are really precious beliefs. They teach that God the spiritual father for the great crowd, only the annointed. Why then do the teach everyone to pray using the Lord's Prayer which begins 'Our father...' It is very deceptive teaching. The same principle applies to Jesus being the mediator for everyone but they teach he is only mediator for the annointed yet everyone who prays must be done with Jesus as mediator. The same principle also applies to the use of brother's and sister's. Only the annointed are spiritual brother's and sister's and the term is used in the congregation only as a demonstration of unity in an earthly organisation.
The scriptures quoted above do not help to shed any light on this idea, some probably do the opposite.
I can find no basis for their idea that the great crowd will have Jesus as their eternal father during his Millenial Reign only and what does it even mean? Besides if Jesus was appointed ruler in 1914 then why would the situation be any different to when he rules during the 1,000 years?
The belief is that the great crowd will reach perfection at the end of the 1,000 years and have a final testing and they say this is when they will become God's children in a complete sense. Yet they provide no information whatsover as to what they mean by a complete sense, this infers that they are children of God in some sense and they confirm that by already saying that he will become their eternal father before this. There is no straight talk but it arouses confusion and makes enquiring minds scratch their heads and give up in frustration.
Eph 4: 14 in order that we should no longer be babes, tossed about as by waves and carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in contriving error.
Is this a form of deceit or trickery or just a manipulation so they can make some sort of logic about the different classes?