What were the most sinificant news events concerning The Watchtower Org. for the year 2010.Thanks to the internet we are now all able to see so many news stories exposing the Watchtower.Granted some of these stories are good public relations, but for the most part the stories coming across the net are a major embarrassment for The Jehovah's Witnesses. What news about The Org. created the biggest buzz this past year? Was it the release of the secret elders book that was instantly available in cyber space?How about the new light on the generation" the Lap over generation" and what about the selling off of much of their Brooklyn real estate and moving the world headquarters to upstate NY.We welcome you all to come on the call today Jan 1-2011 at 7pm EST. It's easy to get on the call just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use # 9925 Our lines open up at 6:30 PM EST. so come on early and meet some new friends or talk with old friends and share your story with all those that have been touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower.
Top ten news events in The Watchtower Org.for 2010 !
by koolaid-man 9 Replies latest jw friends
10. Millions of Witness children received presents the year round. (LOL)
9. Wait, how many annointed ones are there again?
8. New Light became so bright that publishers were warned that maybe SPF30 will no longer be adequate. (But I wouldn't worry about that)
7. Attacks by demon possesed smurf dolls were at an all time low.
6. Millions now living will never die. Probably. Maybe.
5. There's no number 5.
4. So how 'bout this generation thing, eh? (No, seriously, what's with that?)
3. Sexual abuse victims continued to "wait on Jehovah©". (That's not funny.)
2. The purpose of wind chimes is still to ward off evil spirits.
1. The world continued to not end.
For me:
1 Raymond Franz died
2 Many branch closures announced
3 Ted Jaracz died
4 Jack Barr died
5 Crazy overlapping generations doctrine in Watchtower Study article
6 Crazy Watchtower about not holding hands during prayer
7 Jehovah's Witness in Germany killed bethelite.
Those were all 2010 weren't they? That's all I can think up. Did anything else happen?
:3 Ted Jaracz died
:4 Jack Barr died
:Those were all 2010 weren't they? That's all I can think up. Did anything else happen?
Not enough Corporate people died.
: Not enough Corporate people died.
And one too many good soul, Raymond Franz.
Adding to slimboyfat's list:
8. MTS school is done away with, and 2 schools are formed: one for single brothers, and the other for couples.
9. The Pioneer Assist program is over.
10. Downloads of magazines and other publications available at jw.org, also the elders submitting now the monthly reports from the web.
I didn't see that one. You can't hold hands during prayer?
Married couples can hold hands discreetly - but no hugging.
Any way that was 2009
No pioneer assist program anymore? I missed that one.
Married couples can't hug? Wish I would've heard that last year. I would've been gone then!!!