Pre-echoes of this impending change came in a public edition magazine about 3 years ago.
It was a right hand page.
It said that gambling for pennies was not an issue, (wish I had kept this)
Now the elduhs book page 70 says that petty gambling is not a judicial offence.
Presumably then it is the small size of the stake, or the small winnings that makes it okay. In witchtowerland size really does matter.
Just as "a little bit of the blood" makes that okay as opposed to going the whole hog.
Why dont they apply this to kissing? its only a little bit of "fornication". If two men kiss then that is a JC offense, and fast becoming one with boy/girl action too. I know of a MS who was removed for having a necking session with his fiancee.
So when does the prize make it a judicial offence - when it goes over $10? What if you put a very petty stake down on the lottery and won hundreds of thousands?
But then its finally the elduhs who decide whether to kick you out just because they can.