I tried to search for how to do it, but must not know where to look. I have a SUPER CUTE cartoon that my mom sent me that I thought was perfect for this forum!!
by confuzzled777 6 Replies latest jw friends
I tried to search for how to do it, but must not know where to look. I have a SUPER CUTE cartoon that my mom sent me that I thought was perfect for this forum!!
Well, Confuzzled, if you have the cartoon in front of you, you'll have to scan it into your "pictures" or "photos" program on your computer...
Create a "photo" file specifically for it...
THEN you will need to get an account with an on-line photo-hosting site. I use "PhotoBucket", which is FREE - as long as you don't go "pro"...
You set up the PhotoBucket account...
Use the Photobucket account to access your computer's photo file and download it into Photobucket...
Then put your 'arrow' pointer on the cartoon in Photobucket. Hi-lite "direct link". I think that Photobucket automatically 'copies' the link when you hi-lite it.
Then you come back here...
(Long, involved process... I usually have TWO internet connections up, if I'm going to post stuff from Photobucket onto this board...)
When you come back here, you go into the "Post a reply" box.
In the second row of 'buttons - the one that starts out with a 'scissors' icon - move over to a point underneath the "Font family" icon.
There you will see a tiny 'photo' of a tree... It's pretty easy to spot, cause it's green...
THAT is your 'Insert/edit image' function.
Click on it.
A small window will open up.
On the first tab, 'General', you will notice the first line, 'Image URL'. PASTE your "direct link" address into that box.
Go to the NEXT line - description, and type in SOMETHING - ANYthing. Otherwise the system balks and asks you if you really want to paste without a description.
Then hit, "Insert" at the bottom left corner.
A P.S....
If the pix you inserted is too large or too small, you can open up the picture again - click on it until you see a sort of "frame" on your inserted picture...
Click the "insert/edit image" button again...
On the SECOND tab, "Appearance", you'll see "alignment" - I usually ignore that - and "dimensions".
You can type in new numbers for the dimensions. I find that anything over 850 is too large for the post. I've also found that a person can type in numbers on the FIRST box, then hit "tab" and the system will USUALLY adjust the size accordingly - to the first number inserted...
Then hit, "Insert" again, and it will update your changes...
Let me know if this is as clear as mud, and I'll try to walk you through it, more slowly... But I do have to go walk my dog, soon...
Did your mom send you an actual, PHYSICAL cartoon???
Or an electronic one????
If she sent you an electronic one, I THINK that you MIGHT BE ABLE to 'right-click' the cartoon, and select a 'link' to post it here on-board...
I haven't performed that function nearly as often as I've worked with Photobucket...
Let me try right-clicking something...
Uhm... Didn't work with my "pictures" on my computer's files... I HAVE succeeded, recently, at getting an illustration from Wikipedia into one of my posts... I can't remember, though, whether I found a "links" option when I "right-clicked" the Wikipedia illustration...
I think I could walk you thru that, too, if we can coordinate our efforts...
Confuzzled???? Heeee lll ooooooo???? ....... Guess I'll go walk my doggie...
LOL Sorry....I had to go remove snow/ice from my front porch..... I use photobucket for other forums. I will upload it and see if it works! Thanks SO much for your help!!
It is in the form of a jpeg.
got it! Thanks.....