So many of you know that me and hubby were having a debate over Christmas this year. I wanted to celebrate and he did not. He is not an active witness but was raised as one. I was not raised as one and had Christmas snatched from me when I was 13 with no apologies or sympathy by my JW mom. Anywho, we came to a compromise. Our daughter went to the Christmas party at school (yay for her). Then we had a family day the week after Christmas (to the day) where our daughter got a ton of presents. It was nice. We did an origami tree (we spray painted some branches silver, put them in a vase with colored glass beads in it). It was a fun family project and we all enjoyed making origami cranes, flowers, etc. The "tree" was beautiful. So I posted some pics on facebook and I did not say it was Christmas. I just said it was our celebration and showed off our origami tree. My JW mom commented on some other pics I had downloaded but not on our origami tree......I told my husband if it comes back that we celebrated Christmas then fine next year I will REALLY celebrate it and give them something to talk about....Just wanted to share. By the way happy new year everybody!
Uh oh.....
by meangirl 4 Replies latest jw experiences
good for you!! i was raised a jw and never experienced christmas as a child. now that im out i celebrated christmas for the first time this yr. the kids had a blast and loved their gifts! hey...celebrating xmas is no more pagan than wearing a wedding ring...
its not about the pagan roots from a gazillion years ago, its about family,friends and kids being together and having a good time
What gets me is I really did compromise on this with hubby and I am going to get so mad if I get "accused"...if only they knew.....Glad everyone got to enjoy Christmas! I did start crying on Christmas day because it was really hard for me. My hubby felt so bad. He did ask if I wanted to put up a tree next progress little by little.