Uh oh.....

by meangirl 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • meangirl

    So many of you know that me and hubby were having a debate over Christmas this year. I wanted to celebrate and he did not. He is not an active witness but was raised as one. I was not raised as one and had Christmas snatched from me when I was 13 with no apologies or sympathy by my JW mom. Anywho, we came to a compromise. Our daughter went to the Christmas party at school (yay for her). Then we had a family day the week after Christmas (to the day) where our daughter got a ton of presents. It was nice. We did an origami tree (we spray painted some branches silver, put them in a vase with colored glass beads in it). It was a fun family project and we all enjoyed making origami cranes, flowers, etc. The "tree" was beautiful. So I posted some pics on facebook and I did not say it was Christmas. I just said it was our celebration and showed off our origami tree. My JW mom commented on some other pics I had downloaded but not on our origami tree......I told my husband if it comes back that we celebrated Christmas then fine next year I will REALLY celebrate it and give them something to talk about....Just wanted to share. By the way happy new year everybody!

  • cantleave

    Well done. We celebrated for the first time ever this year. Our kids loved it.

  • finallyfree!

    good for you!! i was raised a jw and never experienced christmas as a child. now that im out i celebrated christmas for the first time this yr. the kids had a blast and loved their gifts! hey...celebrating xmas is no more pagan than wearing a wedding ring...

    its not about the pagan roots from a gazillion years ago, its about family,friends and kids being together and having a good time

  • DanaBug

    Glad you found a compromise. There is nothing in JW world that even comes close to Christmas. This year was the first my daughter was excited about it, and we had soo much fun! (She's 3) And it snowed Christmas Day!

  • meangirl

    What gets me is I really did compromise on this with hubby and I am going to get so mad if I get "accused"...if only they knew.....Glad everyone got to enjoy Christmas! I did start crying on Christmas day because it was really hard for me. My hubby felt so bad. He did ask if I wanted to put up a tree next year.....so progress little by little.


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