Thanks Zid for your help in posting this! Let's see if I can actually do it now.....
YAY!! it worked!! lol
My mom sent this to me. thought it applied to the JW's.
by confuzzled777 6 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks Zid for your help in posting this! Let's see if I can actually do it now.....
YAY!! it worked!! lol
My mom sent this to me. thought it applied to the JW's.
Haw haw haw haw haw haw!!!!!
Day - YAMMM!!! I am GLAD I helped you with posting pix and jpgs!!!
For once, one of my good deeds is REWARDED!!!
Thank you very much, Confuzzled!!!
You are SO welcome zid!! Glad you got a chuckle out of it! Thanks again for the help!
That is pretty awesome. Very clever. I'm definitely saving this.
looks like the guy just made a giant dick!
oh, and yes, very apt cartoon
Oz, too funny! Yes, it does resemble a giant thanks for pointing that out!