"The Exorcist"voted "the scariest movie of all time" it has been seen by hundreds of millions of people around the world. however, Awake writers from 1980 had their own "scientific" views of the movie and it's sequel.
Awake 1980 12/8 p.11 ".....MANY REPORTS are on file {where?} of the adverse effects it had on many who saw it. Maureen was an athiest....something was happening to me, I was shaking all over....when I went to bed I would wake up in a cold sweat...I knew there was something IN THE HOUSE AS I COULD FEEL IT WITH ME WHEREVER I WENT...I was going out of my mind...I knew of a family of Jehovahs Witnesses living nearby so I jumped at the chance to study with them...." {After this the demons left!!!}
Awake 1980 7/22 p.31 "T.V TRIGGERS TERROR! - When the motion picture Exorcist 2 was shown on U.S television, a mother and her 4 year old daugter in Whichita falls Texas reportedly watched it together. One scene is said to contain cutting out of a girls heart to get rid of the demon. The little girl in Texas was found murdered in the same fashion. Her mother was charged with the murder...."
So the Millions who watched it should have gone mental like these two people???