Why have they failed to see the obvious?
The Governing Body of the Watchtower Society, who themselves make claim to being, 'Jehovah's Spirit Directed Organization,' has changed the Generation, 'that would not pass away,' Jesus spoke about, so many times, that by now the rank and file must be in a state of complete confusion -
Would a Spirit Directed Organization, was it to be such, not know beyond a shadow of a doubt the exact Generation that Jesus had in mind in his statement found at Matthew 24:32-35 in his parable of the Fig Tree? {Luke 21:29-32} {Matthew 24:32-34}
I feel it safe to say that Jesus knew the Generation he was making reference to in that parable, wouldn't you think? I also feel absolutely certain that was it to be true they really was Spirit Directed, Jesus by that medium, would cause them to know exactly which Generation he had in mind, in that the Holy Spirit, under his control, leads one into, 'all truth,' even revealing the things to come.' {John 14:26;16:13} According to the Apostle Paul, who himself was Spirit Directed, they should by this time know, 'even the deep things of God.' {2 Corinthians 2:10}
John too, who had the Spirit poured out on him, informs us that the Holy Spirit taught them everything. {1John 2:27} So I feel certain Paul and John would have known the Generation Jesus was talking about. All of this being the case, why would the Governing Body, if they are Spirit Directed, be so in the dark on this teaching; and why, if they are Spirit Directed as they make claim, have they managed to establish a 130 year record of failed predictions and false prophecies? Has Jehovah by means of his Holy Spirit led them along a 130 year path of error? That would be virtually impossible.
Before I deal with this parable of the Fig Tree, I would like the readers to read carefully through the three chapters that deal with the composite sign of the coming of Christ into Kingdom Power at Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21. These are events that would be occuring all around our Global Sphere all at the same time, producing a time period of great fear and anxiety as foretold by Luke, at {Luke 21:25-27. 2 Timothy 3:1-5}
Keep in mind, Jesus marked the year 1914, with the ourtbreak of World War 1 as 'the first pains of child birth' while Paul tells us that, 'the day of the lord will come as a thief at night, as suddenly as the pains that come upon a Woman in labor'... {Matthew 24:8} {1Thessalonians 5:1-3} {Revelation 12:1,2} These pangs of birth will culminate when the entire composite sign of the coming of Christ, is, as it is right now at this very moment in time, is in evidence all around this entire World, and all at the same moment in time.
Notice now, how well this parable fits here, and has its application at this time, evidenced by the news of the day; and take special note of this particular news, at this time. What with Tornado's rampaging throughout towns in the United States, paralyzing snow and ice storms, in China and Japan, and almost every day reports of earthquakes in various places around the World. Erupting Volcano's, Floods of, "Biblical Proportion" as in the one in Australia, deseases, fires, Political unrest; even Churches being Bombed as foretold by John in his Revelation. {Revelation 18:8} Even Paul's words concerning the conduct and actions of people in the last days, foretold, and occuring in detail, exactly as foretold. {2Timothy 3:1-5} Not to forget to mention the ridiculers, Peter foretold. {2 Peter 3:3-5} Everything the Bible foretold for the last days, occuring all around the World, all at the same time; so that all Mankind is able to see the Christ coming into kingdom Power, as Matthew foretold in these words: "Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the peoples of the earth will weep as they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory"... {Matthew 24:29-31} John follows up with his words: "Look he is coming on the clouds! Everyone will see him. Including those who pierced him. All peoples on earth will mourn over him." {Revelation 1:7}
Consider what it is, that has triggered this time of world peril
that has now begun. John foretold that four Angels would hold tight the four winds of World destruction while the servants of God were being sealed in their foreheads; when the final one was sealed, those four Angels would unleash those four winds of destruction; as they have now done at this time, accounting for the time of trouble we are now living through. {Revelation 7:1-8}
Something else that contributes to this time of World trouble, is, unseen to the human eye, a War has been fought in heaven with satan and his demon's being thrown down to this earth, and 'Woe for this earth,' is about to begin, has already begun leading into the great tribulation, that will be, 'cut short to save the lives of the chosen ones.' {Revelation 12:7-9,12} {Matthew 24:21,22} After it is cut short, Michael {Christ Jesus} will stand up and take Kingdom power, and Daniel's time of World peril will begin, ending with the War of the Great Day of God The Almighty at Armageddon. {Matthew 24:29,30} {Daniel 12:1,2} {Revelation 16:13-16} {Jeremiah 25:31-37} {Ezekiel 38:18-23}
If one wishes to speculate as to the reason those thousands of Birds fell dead to this earth, and those many thousands of fishes were propelled from those rivers and streams; in all liklihood, at the descent of those demons, they could have very easily have taken over the bodies of those Birds, as well as those fishes found on the banks of the rivers and streams. Exactly as they inhabited the bodies of those pigs, that jumped to their deaths after the demons took over their bodies. The following account in Mark explains that. {Mark 5:9-11}
"Now, "think of the Fig Tree and ALL the other Trees. when you see their leaves beginning to appear, you know that Summer is near. In the SAME WAY, when you see these things happening, you will know the Kingdom of God is about to come." "Remember ALL THESE THINGS will take place before the people, NOW LIVING have all died." {Luke 21:29-32} That is to say, all the people alive at this moment in time.
It is we, right now, today, who are seeing, the entire sign of the coming of Christ, in its entirety, in Kingdom Power occuring all at the same time all around this earth. We, right now, are the Generation that was not to pass away; we will see all things fulfilled. Just as Jesus promised.
So! Why has the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society failed to see the obvious? Simple! The reason is, they are not now, nor have they ever been, 'Jehovah's Spirit Directed Organization.'