The first person I shared my doubts with about my faith,was my first "worldly" friend. And he really takes being called worldly as a compliment.
But, he wrote me this evening and mentioned how he was happy to see that I was coming to terms with "losing my religion". And that the whole thing never sat well with him. He was never for organized religions. I'm going to say now, I have to agree.
But, one thing that I found interesting,he mentioned,"Humans will always be humans and the fact that so many Witnesses fall off the wagon seems to say that their way is not really doable..."
And it is true, I never felt like I was doing enough as a Witness. And the organization makes things,not even mentioned in the Bible, out to be a sin. It certainly wasn't healthy as a kid to feel that because I listened to a certain song forbidden by an elder or CO, that I was doomed for destruction. They made me feel I was being disloyal to God,if I didn't go along with their ever changing rules and doctrines. I'm so glad to be mentally free of it. And sometimes,to see things clearly through someone else's eyes helps us gain a better prospective.