There are two kinds of people in the world....
by BurnTheShips 8 Replies latest jw friends
i always thought there were three kinds of people....
those who can count and those who cant -
OMG!!! I can't stop laughing!!!
LOL! Dennis Miller is one of my faves.
"I have a friend who is a realtor in Tehran at an organization called Century 4...."
"Nancy Pelosi is thicker than a Charlie Sheen pre-nup. And she is crazy... bat-sh!t crazy. I guarantee you that woman sleeps upside down."
Did 'bama really say "the main goal of NASA is Muslim outreach?"
Love love love Miller!! I would love to see a comedy stand-off between him and Jon Stewart. Which one has more material to work with, I wonder?
Gotta remember this one: Cruella Demented and Pelosi Galore!
Funny stuff.
Did he?
My gut feeling says he did (well, at least implied it), but not in the way implied (may you all have peace!). Seems to me that since the Muslim world (i.e., Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, etc.) was probably behind their VERY good friend, George W.'s, "Constellation" program (where a man would return to the moon by 2020)... and many, many other U.S. projects requiring lots of money that "we" don't have... somebody ought to acknowledge them.
"We" keep touting ourselves as the most progressive, technologically advanced, militarily strong superpower. Funny thing is... "we" don't have the money it costs to BE all of that. Saudia Arabia does, though. And Kuwait. And the UAE. And China.
"We" sold out to BE the "best." Someone's been bankrolling "us". And those someones probably said, "Ya'll either start giving US some credit... or we ain't giving YOU no more credit." Thus, the almost total elimination of the return to the moon program... which was grossly underfunded to begin with. Who, I must ask... was gonna pay the "difference" for such underfunding? The U.S. citizenry? C'mon, now...
"We" have our problems with the Muslim world because some idjit and his flunkies took out a couple buildings. I do not say that as if it's no big deal - it was absolutely a big deal. BUT... while "we're" getting all hot and bothered about Muslims in general, "we" need to remember that it's been Muslims... and their oil... that's kept OUR world "going round". Well, at least going back and forth to various destinations. And all of THAT started LONG before Mr. Obama was even a consideration for anything... let alone President.
C'mon, folks (particularly you, dear Daddy-O, and the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!): this constant blaming of Mr. Obama for things set in motion DECADES ago... when there was never even a thought that a man such as he could ever BE President... is getting a bit "old." White folks started this mess... Democrat AND Republican... "christians", atheists AND Muslims. Mr. Obama is the late-comer in the equation. Remember, the U.S. and Iran USED to be GREAT friends... until the aftermath of WWII... and then during the reign of the Shah. Mr. Obama wasn't even a thought during most of this time.
Muslims are not "our" enemies. Religious and/or anti-government fanatics... whether they be American and "christian" (Tim McVeigh/Terry Nichols) or Arab and Muslim (Osama Bin Laden/Mohammed Atta)... are. They are everyone's enemies. Because they all deal in death to accomplish their goals.
Again, peace to you all!
A slave of Christ,
Oh man, saw this the other night and was LMAO! Good stuff.