just passing this on
by JT 4 Replies latest jw friends
I forgot to paste my comments
this is another in the backyard of wt mud on face deals
the releasing of infomation has always been at the direction of the wt
but now the new makes it possible for folks to email a ton of religious paper editors and like over night the need to bring in the PR Spin Masters kick offall i got to say is JR Brown is busy these days
and just think this is only the start of constantly having to defend the undefendable publicly
FOR YEARS wt has made sure that thier image remained in tack even if they had to sacrifice children and others ALL FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORG
is what we all used to say in some form or fashion, but no the days are overwt will never see the days come again when they have COMPLETE CONTROL OF HOW THE GAME IS PLAYED
Thanks for the info, JT.
Thanks JT,
I love this net Thang too.
Thank you JT. It is sooooo helpful when you find things like this on unbiased, well-known, websites. As I am sure you know, most JWs won't take it seriously (or even listen to it) if you find it on an apostate/anti/ex-JW website. Nice to see the rest of the world is getting the real truth about the proclaimers of "the truth".
Thanks for the URL.