I don't watch the show, but the latest TV guide (Jan 10-16, 2011) mentions that the study group on the show, which includes a JW names Troy, among others, "all came together to celebrate the holidays." I'm curious as to how a JW, even if fictional, participated in an ecumenical event, let alone a holiday.
Do you watch NBC's "Community"
by Bystander39 2 Replies latest jw friends
Troy is leading a double life. Something not unknown to jws.
TROY; Yeah, but we [Jehovah’s Witnesses] don’t celebrate birthdays or Christmas and we can’t drink. But it helps.
ABED; So, you’re like a Muslim. Asslamalaikum.
TROY; Shamalamadingdong.Community 1.12 - “Comparative Religion”
I love the show. Funny as hell.
Thanks, Mrs Jones. I should have thought of the 'double-life' that so many are forced to assume.