Preparing Scriptural Defenses Against WTBTS

by Band on the Run 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I am curious whether most people here believe that they need to memorize Biblical proofs against WTBTS teachings the way they did as a Witness. My concern is that for someone out for decades, I may read the Bible too much. I am drawn to it almost unnaturally as for me it is the best proof the Witnesses lied and willfully misinterpreted. It frees me. I read commentaries, take college and grad courses, study Koine Greek in some never-ending quest for real liberation. Professionally, I could never know the body of knowledge necessary in my mind. All I can know is a way to reference the system so that research yields consistent results. It is a leap of faith. I feel the same way about the Bible. Enough general knowledge is at my disposal to research anything further.

    Yet I notice that some people here have ready scriptures to refute a particular notion. Perhaps I don't deliberately memorize to not repeat my life as a Witness. Also, I don't believe the Bible is infallible or even relevant outside our culture. It strikes me that since the Witnesses apparently rely upon the Bible so much, it is the best way to perhaps start asking questions. I'm not describing my quandary very well. Also, since I've been out for decades now, perhaps I don't need the scriptures securely in my mind as I once did.

    Another thought is that I place too much emphasis on knowledge of specific facts and not enough on my character. When I read Jesus, the Social Gospel and radical calls to action are definitely present -- alongside other matters. Reading Jesus upsets my complacency. Being educated and prosperous is not what He emphasized. Mastery of knowledge carries so much in society. Of course, Witnesses place no weight in knowledge. The WT and Awake do mention many factoids which impressed me as a child. As soon as I finish my current reading, I am getting Hassan's books and reading them.

  • LostGeneration

    There are only a few that I have locked and loaded in case of a witness encounter. For the DF'd for apostacy class like myself, there aren't many encounters. 1 Tim 2:5,6 is really the only one I care to reference in hopes of waking up a witness.

    The problem is that most scripture can be argued from one side or another. With an indoctrinated JW they are simply going to take the WTBTS explanation, no further thinking required. Thats why I don't find the need to have hundreds of scriptures memorized, they aren't going to reason anyway.

  • bigmouth

    With an indoctrinated JW they are simply going to take the WTBTS explanation, no further thinking required. Thats why I don't find the need to have hundreds of scriptures memorized, they aren't going to reason anyway.

    LostGeneration has it right in my opinion. Memorise and apply scripture all you want for your own benefit.

    Trying to objectively discuss scripture with a Witness is an exercise in futility.

    Far too much energy is expended trying to argue points with Witnesses.

  • bigmouth

    It strikes me that since the Witnesses apparently rely upon the Bible so much, it is the best way to perhaps start asking questions.

    Therein lies your major obstacle. A Witness relies on the Watchtower, not the Bible. His default setting when confronted with a scriptural quandary is to......check the WT!

  • Timothy Riches
    Timothy Riches

    Witnessing to a Witness can be as thankless a task as the JW has. The key to success is not to attempt a conversion at all, but instead to simply leave them with something to think about later. If the encounter is 'played' properly (ie: they don't seem to think you're an apostate) you can have a really pleasant talk with them.

    If you're going after a JW who knows what you're up to, I think it's good to have a copy of 'Reasoning from the Scriptures' on the nightstand. You can even pull it out for a little fudge-factor.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I prefer to mostly stay away from the Bible and stick to the false doctrines. The WT is built on a pretty shakey foundation. If you look at that it is easy to see that they don't have any special understanding of the scriptures. But getting them to see something they are not ready to see is another matter. It can be very frustrating.

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