Political/Religious rant

by sabastious 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sabastious

    I've noticed that humans work better in small groups of like minded individuals. The congregation books studies were always more enjoyable than the Kingdom Hall meetings to speak from a JW perspective.

    When more people get involved the worse the scanario can get. Not to say all large groups are corrupt or even to say that all small groups are benign. The reasons are likely many, but one that I would like to point out is cooperation and leadership.

    Small groups are easier to lead, in part, because it's easier to assemble a small number of people of like mind.

    I live in America, a free nation with 300,000,000 people! They come from all walks of life and all cultures around the world. It's foolish to ever believe that this country can be ran by "the people" since "the people" will always be to far away from being of like mind. So right now my government is struggling with these issues.

    I know it's all about "the economy" etc etc right now and I agree it's the top priority, but there are serious pitfalls in the future for my homeland I fear. How will we agree in the future when new technology continues to bring up new ethical dilemas.

    Eventually the Gods of our sacred traditions will fade away to reason as the real truth is unearthed. The public will know that we didn't know our behinds from a hole in the ground in regards to where we think we came from.

    No one will ever agree on a religious nor a spiritual level. We will kill eachother for our "Gods" until either one side has killed enough of the other or all perish.

    When I speak of killing I don't necessarily mean actual physical death. You can kill someone by killing their reputation, you can ruin someone if you become devious enough for your cause.

    It's interesting that religion is causing so much harm. It is what the Watchtower predicted, that Religion was going to be burnt with fire. They got it wrong though: it is not the Kings of the Eath that do away with religion it will be the People, I believe.


  • heathen

    The idea behind democracy was that the people elect like minded politicians, it's supposed to be run by a majority vote. What we get is completely different with corporate fascism taking control. Our government is bought and paid for . The WTBTS interpreted the babylonian harlot as being devoured by the UN not burned with fire . The UN will probably go after all the wealth of it's NGO members and also realizing that religion is what is causing many problems will outlaw their practice. IMO

  • peacefulpete

    Its easy to become distressed about political idealogues or religious zealots, lets face it,we are in a bit of a bad run in these regards. But a student of history gains a perspective that tempers the outrage. We have been a nation of racists, bigots,greedy opportunists, and zealots from the founding of the country. It has always been the minority who voiced dissent and pressed for reform. They spoke to the people and their efforts bore fruit. The nation today has made so much progress in so many areas like civil liberties and human rights, quality of life. There are bumps in the road, don't give into despair.

    The UN is one of the finest instruments yet conceived, imperfect though it is. The collective efforts enabled through it have alleviated suffering to many millions of oppressed or impoverished. As the US's role in the word ebbs in the future it will simply be returning to the role it played before the world wars crippled much of the rest of the world. It will not collapse or disappear it will adjust.

  • dogon

    The USA has become so corrupt that it is not a Republic anymore. As the late great Carlin put it there is a club and you and I ain't in it. Lobbyist and supreme court decision giving corporations the status of an individual allowing them to contribute vast amounts of cash to the person who will vote for legalized rape of what ever will turn a profit for the corporations. Add in a growing spread of racism and the tea bagging movement [a movement that spun out of racism] and right wing Christian nut jobs, that run from the Westboro Baptist Church to Jerry Fallwell and his ilk and you have one bipolar nation that is much like Baby Hughie. Its big and strong and has the brain of a pea.

    America is a nation where 50% of the population fights science and maturity. Fat old white people who hang tea bags from tricorn hats and bring guns to political events, because a guy in the white house has a tan. The wrong kind of tan, unlike the tan man from Ohio. Many applaud the shooting of Tiller in Wichita. I saw many here where I unfortunately live for the time being holding signs that said we support Broder [tillers assassin] The bible is a source of much evil here in the good old USA where they omitted the part about blacks being 3/5s of a human when the new tea bag house read the constitution. But this is coming from a group that can read the bible and gloss over all the crazy shit and there is a lot of crazy shit in that book. No the USA is powerful in its military but it is weak in mind and most of its on the Right.

    The shooting of a congresswoman this weekend show it. The right like Limbaugh spewed hate speech even after that saying it was the left that brought it on. That the shooter was a drugged up nut. [this coming from a guy who pays his maid to buy Oxy.] Tea baggers to the abortion assassins, to the museum in Kentucky where they show Noah riding a triceratops, they are nuts here. From the anti gays to the anti abortion to the anti government tea baggers and those who collect Medicare and social security and tell the government to keep out of it, we are a nation of idiots and the years of fighting against intellectuals has bore fruit.

  • heathen

    right on dogon. LOL Not to mention they murdered 3k plus people on 911 and refused an independent investigation. They have been working hard to dum us down and rob us of our heritage of freedom and indepenence a nation where there are charities supporting murdering 90 percent of the world population so some cult group can create a world revolving around themselves and enslaving everyone else. I could go on but the UN was not created for the reasons most think .It was a first step in a global new world order . Full of corrupt murdering ruthless greedy criminals. THey even have child sex slave syndicates , really sick crap. check out alex jones on info wars.

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