Jehovah God commanded the angels to worship the Son, but he himself did not bow down to his Son
Jan 1, 1953 WT, page 23
When did this change (The NWT was already published)
by berrygerry 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
Jehovah God commanded the angels to worship the Son, but he himself did not bow down to his Son
Jan 1, 1953 WT, page 23
When did this change (The NWT was already published)
Interestingly, this article on the carm website says the 1970 edition of the NWT still used 'worship' instead of 'obeisance' at Hebrews 1:6
Interestingly, this article on the carm website says the 1970 edition of the NWT still used 'worship' instead of 'obeisance' at Hebrews 1:6
That is correct.
The famous green Bible has that wording.
(Going door-to-door with that Bible was so humiliating. "Oh, you're the goofs with the green Bible.")
(Matthew 4:10) "Go away, Satan! For it is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’"