Its 3 years since I (we) left, we somehow didn't have a committee or anything, but were able to leave with NO friends, but still able to have contact with my JW mom.
In these 3 years of "learing" how to get and have friends that aren't witnesses its been quite the learning curve. How do you meet people? start conversations? ask for phone numbers? when do you invite someone to your house? All these things are questions we've been navigating and been doing well. I do notice though something. There is a big difference in the "Connection" I have with my new friends as to my prior witness friends. The friends I had.. I know it wasn't 'unconditional' because in the end the left me because I had doubts... but all of us know when you're 'in' ... my girlfriends... i still cry if i run into them in a store. There is NOTHING like my old friends. There was such a love and connection, we would have done anything for each other, we didn't EVER have issues, we took care of each others kids, we were their for each others births, and in my heart they were going to be with me forever, and I didn't need any 'worldy family or friends' ever. Ok. Skip to 3 years later, now, its only 3 years-yes. The family i used to shun has accepted us back with open arms and I love them dearly.. but as for 'friends', its just not the same. There is that always feeling of 'if your kids upsets my kids we could leave you and never see you again, there is nothing holding us together'.
I was just wondering if anyone else felt this. Now dont give me this "those witnesses didn't love you because they only loved you in the truth" i know that.. but I lived my life with these people and felt the love, i do understand that they are in a cult and their judgement is very marred, but they loved me.