Do JWs still try to get into locked security apartments to leave tracts?

by VM44 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    It was once a very common practice of JWs when distributing "special" tracts (the tractwork) that if they encountered a locked security apartment they would wait for someone to exit or leave, and then enter, or they would get one resident to let them in, and then they would leave the tract at every apartment door within the complex.

    Isn't that trespassing?

    Do the JWs still do this?

  • brotherdan

    We are told that we can do this, but the Watchtower won't send any lawyers and will not bail us out if we get sued for trespassing. So it's basically, enter at your own risk.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I have lived in an apartment block with a "No Cold Calling" policy for nearly 2 years now. I have never once had the witnesses knock so either they obey the law even tho it is man's and not God's or they don't think there is any-one here worth converting!

  • Honesty

    "I have lived in an apartment block with a "No Cold Calling" policy for nearly 2 years now. I have never once had the witnesses knock so either they obey the law even tho it is man's and not God's or they don't think there is any-one here worth converting!"

    That is what our congregation said about restricted access apartments and subdivisions.

    We even went as far as judging them as GOATS.

  • GrandmaJones

    Yes. Absolutely.

  • WTWizard

    The witlesses are guilted into doing it, and then they are held responsible for the consequences. Whether or not that is "official policy", that is another unwritten policy. Congregations that uphold that policy are bound to have their hounders grilled when the hounder-hounder shows up, they get a new hounder-hounder, or when the hounder-hounder-hounder shows up.

  • Scott77

    We are told that we can do this, but the Watchtower won't send any lawyers and will not bail us out if we get sued for trespassing. So it's basically, enter at your own risk.


    This is very disgusting and horrible. Another way of taking advatanges of unfortunate victims. This cult sucks. How will a poor JW defend himself in the courts? Look! All JWs are ordered to keep quiet, never say anything against the Watchtower in the courts of law. Ironically, many would view this as just another example of 'standing firm against carsar' at all cost.


  • EmptyInside

    Here,they find everyone's address,and send it in the mail.

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