Hey folks sharpie here.
Can you help me out to find out how the Watchtower gets to the date 607 and is it used in the 1914 doctrine? Information about 1975 and other key years in the watchtower's history will be neat to have to, such as the date Judge came up with involving the return of Abraham, David, and others.
One thing I'd like to start out with is the ORIGINAL way to get to 1914, from the Studies in the Scriptures series, Book 3 THY KINGDOM COME Page 153:
The fall, plagues, and destruction foretold to come upon the mystic Babylon, were foreshadowed in the great trouble and national destruction which came upon fleshly Israel, and which ended with the complete overthrow of that nation in A.D. 70. And the period of falling also corresponds for from the time our Lord said, "Your house is left unto you desolate" AD 33 to AD 70 was 36 1/2 years. And so from AD 1878 to the end of AD 1914 is 26 1/2 years. And with the end of AD 1914 what God calls Babylon and what men call Christendom, will have passed away as already shown from prophecy.