Some comments from....I better not tell....
What do you think?Some responses:There have been times in the past when this subject has come up where I live; when people have gotten together for socializing and conversation. So since this site is exactly that, a socialozing site, I thought I wou pose the question to the board.
"What are some of the things that we take for granted today that we will not need in the New System?
I have heard a large range of things from my friends here where I live. I have heard cars, airplanes, etc. I have heard coffee and alcohol, since we don't need either one to live. I have even heard, from my long-time-in-the-truth father, that since(in his opinion) we won't be having kids, we won't need sex(Again, that was his opinion). Bold mine-puffs
So anyway, what are some things that you see around you everyday that you think you won't need in the New System?
I wonder what forms energy, transportation, or technology will take. The imperfect brain has really done some remarkable things.... what will the perfect brain be capable of??????? or does perfection = primitive living? It doesn't to me, but then, that's just my opinion.
Did I miss something? Where does it say we won't be having children in the new system? Many people have put off having kids until then...where did this idea come from?
Don't worry XXXXXXXX, this is completely a personal opinion of a few brothers and sisters I've run into. Don't get pregnant just yet! I think it stems from the belief that the earth will be filled and there will no longer be a need to reproduce. First of all, even after the resurrection, it will take a long time for the earth to fill up. Secondly, Jehovah gave us reproductive organs for a reason. They take up a lot of our space and metabolism. I doubt they'll become obsolete. Thirdly, and this is just speculation on my part, who says we have to stop with just the earth?
Other planets inhabited?
XXXXXX,Look in the little grey "Prince of Peace" book, P. 184, pp. 10, & let me know ur comment on what the FDS SAID.....
Hi XXXXXXX! You asked me to "Look in the little grey "Prince of Peace" book, P. 184, pp. 10, & let me know ur comment on what the FDS SAID....."Maybe I will go back.... no sex, coffee, but technology; traveling to other planets! Wow, sounds like paradise! [8>]quote:
10 To all eternity our earth will bear a distinction that no other planet throughout endless space will enjoy, though the earth may not be the only planet that will ever be inhabited. Uniquely, it will be where Jehovah has indisputably vindicated his universal sovereignty, establishing an eternal and universal legal precedent. It will be the only planet on which Jehovah of armies will have fought "the war of the great day of God the Almighty." It will be the only planet to which God sent his dearest Son to become a man and die in order to recover the planet's inhabitants from sin and death. It will be the only planet from which Jehovah will have taken 144,000 of its inhabitants to be "heirs indeed of God, but joint heirs with Christ."-Romans 8:17.